Medical-Event-Data-Standard / meds_etl

A collection of ETLs from common data formats to Medical Event Data Standard
Apache License 2.0
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A collection of ETLs from common data formats to Medical Event Data Standard (MEDS)

This package library currently supports:


Create an environment of your choice:

conda create -n meds_etl

Install the package

pip install meds_etl


ETLs are one of the most computationally heavy components of MEDS, so efficiency is very important.

MEDS-ETL has several parallel implementations of core algorithms to balance the tradeoff between efficiency and ease of use.

All commands generally take an additional parameter --backend, that allows users to switch between different backends.

We currently support two backends: polars (the default) and cpp.

Backend information:

If you want to use either the cpp backend, make sure to install meds_etl with the correct optional dependencies.

# For the cpp backend
pip install "meds_etl[cpp]"


In order to run the MIMIC-IV ETL, simply run the following command:


where [PATH_TO_SOURCE_MIMIC] is a download of MIMIC-IV and [PATH_TO_OUTPUT] will be the destination path for the MEDS dataset.


In order to run the OMOP ETL, simply run the following command:


where [PATH_TO_SOURCE_OMOP] is a folder containing csv files (optionally gzipped) for an OMOP dataset and [PATH_TO_OUTPUT] will be the destination path for the MEDS dataset. Each OMOP table should either be a csv file with the table name (such as person.csv) or a folder with the table name containing csv files.

Unit tests

Tests can be run from the project root with the following command:

pytest -v

Tests requiring data will be skipped unless the tests/data/ folder is populated first.

To download the testing data, run the following command/s from project root:

# Download the MIMIC-IV-Demo dataset (v2.2) to a tests/data/ directory
wget -r -N -c --no-host-directories --cut-dirs=1 -np -P tests/data


The MEDS schema can be a bit tricky to use as it is a nested parquet schema and nested schemas are not as widely supported as flat schemas. For example, it's not possible to represent a nested schema with CSV files. In additional, the implicit global join within MEDS in order to combine all of a patient's data into a single value can be difficult to implement.

In order to make things simpler for users, this package provides a special MEDS Flat schema and ETLs that transform between MEDS Flat and MEDS.

MEDS Flat schema is a flattened version of MEDS. MEDS Flat data consists of a folder with a metadata.json file (from the MEDS metadata schema) and a "flat_data" folder with MEDS Flat data files. MEDS Flat data files must be either csvs (optionally gzipped) or parquet files that contain three core columns: "patient_id", "time", and "code". These columns correspond to the core MEDS columns. In addition, "datetime_value", "numeric_value" and/or "text_value" can be provided to match those columns in MEDS. Alternatively, a single "value" column can be provided, which will then be transformed into "datetime_value", "numeric_value" and "text_value" as appropriate.

Arbitrary additional columns can be added, each of which will become MEDS metadata columns.

In order to convert a MEDS Flat dataset into MEDS, simply run the following command:

meds_etl_from_flat meds_flat meds where meds_flat is a folder containing MEDS Flat data and meds is the target folder to store the MEDS dataset in.

For example, the following CSV would be converted into the following MEDS patient:

Input CSV:

100,1990-11-30,Birth/Birth,,,,a string
100,1990-11-30,Gender/Gender,Male,,,another string

Output MEDS Patient:

  'patient_id': 100,
  'events': [
      'time': 1990-11-30,
      'measurements': [
        {'code': 'Birth/Birth', 'metadata': {'arbitrary_metadata_column': 'a string'}},
        {'code': 'Gender/Gender', 'text_value': 'Male', 'metadata': {'arbitrary_metadata_column': 'another string'}},
        {'code': 'Labs/SystolicBloodPressure', 'numeric_value': 100, 'metadata': {'arbitrary_metadata_column': None}},
      'time': 1990-12-28,
      'measurements': [{'code': 'ICD10CM/E11.4', 'metadata': {'arbitrary_metadata_column': 'anything'}}],

We also support an inverse ETL, converting from MEDS to MEDS Flat.

The command for this is meds_etl_to_flat. For example:

meds_etl_to_flat meds meds_flat where meds is a folder containing a MEDS dataset and meds_flat is the folder that will store the resulting MEDS Flat dataset.


Polars incompatible with Mac M1

If you get this error when running meds_etl:

RuntimeWarning: Missing required CPU features.

The following required CPU features were not detected:
    avx, fma
Continuing to use this version of Polars on this processor will likely result in a crash.
Install the `polars-lts-cpu` package instead of `polars` to run Polars with better compatibility.

Then you'll need to install the run the following:

pip uninstall polars
pip install polars-lts-cpu