MedouneSGB / Impact-Wall

A wall highlighting people and organizations that have a good impact
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A wall highlighting people and organizations that have a good impact

Hacktoberfest 2023

Hacktoberfest image

It's Hacktoberfest month and this is the 10th year! 🥳

This repository is a beginner friendly repository for contributers who are just starting their coding and Open Source journey and want to take part in Hacktoberfest.

Event details :

How can you Join?

Step - 1:

Create a GitHub account, if you don't already have one.

Step - 2:

Register for Hacktoberfest: Navigate to the Hacktoberfest registration page and follow the instructions. Do read the rules carefully before you sign in using your GitHub credentials.

Step - 3:

Find good projects worth contributing on the GitHub page. You can type label:hactoberfest is:issue is:open

You can add a language label of your choice to filter open issues. If you are a beginner and can’t find good issues then there’s tag label:good first issue which filters out issues for beginners who want to contribute. [You can even contribute to our repository as this is also Hacktoberfest-accepted]

Step - 4:

Submit PRs: Try and submit at least 4 PRs and wait for it to be merged and then verified on the Hacktoberfest website. Make sure to submit quality PRs.

HacktoberFest Rules :

Whether it’s your first or fiftieth pull request, there’s always more to learn! So, keep up the hard work and grab this opportunity to participate in Hacktoberfest2023 and enter the world of Open Source and learn new things.

Demo - Website Images


Our Amazing Contributors ❤️

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Le repas sera bientot pret.


Thanks to the following people who have contributed to this project: