MehVahdJukaar / Moonlight

GNU General Public License v3.0
40 stars 22 forks source link

Moonlight Library

Formerly Selene Library, Moonlight Lib is a set of specialized utilities and shared code that I use for my mods. These include some highly specialized features such as dynamic asset generation, 2 new data registries, dynamic registration system as well as your usual multi loader helpers and wrappers to develop for both Fabric and Forge

Main Features


All the classes in the api package have some javadocs explaining their use

Additionally the repo includes many example classes that explain in detaul all the most important features of the mod Examples Here

The mod also adds 3 datapack registry systems. These by nature are mostly meant to use via datapack so we cant have many javadocs. These are

You can find additional documentation on Supplementaries wiki here