MeiH10 / SDD

GNU General Public License v3.0
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:pushpin: PuckNotes

Welcome to PuckNotes, the all-in-one note sharing app for all RPI students! Collaborate on crib-sheets, share lecture notes, and more. When it comes to studying for exams, we say:

Why not share the notes?

:gear: Installation Guide

[!WARNING] Docker Installation Currently, using Docker with PuckNotes is deprecated. Use it at your own risk!

To begin local development, here is all you need to do:

  1. Clone this repository. (git clone
  2. COPY example.env, and name that copy .env.
  3. Follow the instructions inside the .env file on how to configure your PuckNotes instance.

:alembic: Run Back-end Server

To start up the back-end server for local development, enter the server folder, and start up the maven project:

cd server
./mvnw spring-boot:run

Or, if you have task, just run task backend to boot up the task server.

:iphone: Run Front-end Server

To start up the front-end server for local development, enter the client folder, and start up the maven project:

cd client
npm run dev

Again, you can just run task frontend if you have task.

:memo: Documentation

For more information about this site, look no further: