A simple image gallery where images are stored in hierarchical folders.
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Being super tired of the limitations of the gallery plugins in Wordpress that I have tried and looked at, I decided to create my own that suits my needs and maybe it will yours as well.
Images are stored in hierarchical folders, as you normally would. To add new images, you can either put them directly into the folders or upload them through the web interface (Todo). If loaded directly into the folder, a rescan must be initiated to find the new images.
When new images are loaded, the plugin can rotate and resize according to the EXIF data. An image title, comment and tags will also be extracted from the image's EXIF and XMP data. The folder names can also be added as tags to the images - useful, for example, if you are organising the images into locations.
Once loaded, images can be searched by dates, tags, folders, or search terms. You can then insert thumbnails, single images, or fancier albums into posts and pages either using your search query, a single id or a list of ids.
This plugin contains no styling for the inserted images, so it is up to you or your theme to style them how you want.
If enabled, when an image is added to the database, the name of each folder that the image is in will be added to the tags of the image in the database. Folders can be excluded by adding a '-' to the start of the name.
The plugin has the following shortcodes:
- for fancy albumsghthumbnail
- for single or multiple thumbnails
(shortcut for ghalbum type="thumbnail"
- for a single imageThe following shortcode attributes are available for the included shortcodes
- list of images (some sort of query or list - see
Image Selection below (ghalbum