Memorix101 / SharpQuake

SharpQuake is a GLQuake reimplementation in C# using the OpenTK library
GNU General Public License v2.0
52 stars 18 forks source link
c-sharp dotnet mono opentk quake


GitHub license PRs Welcome


SharpQuake is a GLQuake reimplementation in C# using the OpenTK library and the .NET Core platform.




Project is built against and tested for Visual Studio 2019 on .NET Core 3.1

1) Install these nuget packages

2) Initialize git submodules

3) Add dependencies for your target architecture in your output directory (defaults to <project root>/Quake).

5) Build solution.


In case you don't own a copy of Quake you can purchase it on, Steam or use the shareware version.

As Linux is case-sensitive make sure your folder and file names look like that Id1 and PAK0.PAK and PAK1.PAK (in case you own the full version).

To play with soundtrack add it to Id1/music or the mission pack folder you want to play in OGG Vorbis format like this track02.ogg. You can get it here Steam Guide

macOS / OSX is not official supported as OpenGL on Mac is poorly supported and has been replaced in favour of their own graphics API Metal.

The -basedir <directory> switch can be used to change the default data directory. e.g. SharpQuake.exe -basedir C:\Quake\

-window switch is pre-defined in project settings, but if you change the default directory of where you want your data, you may need to add -basedir <directory> to project properties > Debug > Command line arguments

The original expansion packs can be run using -rogue or -hipnotic switches if the data is present for it.

Original Quake switches apply and can be used.

Enjoy! 🙂

