libMMU is a Rust crate that aims to simplify the process of rebuilding virtual address spaces from a memory dump in an OS-agnostic way.
## Usage
## Installation
## Documentation
## Roadmap
- [ ] Basic generic structures (CPU, MMU modes, Page Table Entries, ...)
- [ ] Basic generic methods (extract bit(s), check flags on PDE/PTE/Pages )
- [ ] Basic architectures constraints, e.g: cannot create a IA32 configuration with 64 bits
- [x] Loading base configuration from differents formats : TOML, YAML or from an in-line Rust [builder pattern](
- [ ] Implement RISC-V architecture and its associated MMU modes, basic invariants
- [ ] Implement structural signatures
- [ ] Implement validation rules
- [ ] Refactor the code to be asynchronous and threaded
**Planned features**
- Add support for other achitectures (ARM, X86, ...)
- Allow users to write their own validation rules with either a custom made grammar DSL or traits implementations
- Add support for Binary Code Analysis with `miasm`
use libmmu::architectures::{ RiscV, RiscVMMUMode };
use libmmu::utils::{ MemorySpace, SpaceType, MachineConfig };
fn main() {
let memspaces = MemorySpace::new()
.add(SpaceType::RAM, 0x0000000080000000, 0x000000017fffffff)
.add(SpaceType::ROM, 0x0000000000000000, 0x0000000000011fff);
let conf = MachineConfig::
## Credits
A huge part of this work is based on the thesis [In the Land of MMUs: Multiarchitecture OS-Agnostic Virtual Memory Forensics]( by Andrea Oliveri and Davide Balzarotti and their POC [mmushell](