Memotech-Bill / MakeDaisy

Create DAISY Audio Book from MP3 collection
MIT License
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DAISY Metafile generator

This project is dedicated to the memory of my Father for whom it was originally developed.

Many blind or partially sighted people listen to audiobooks on DAISY players.

The DAISY format consists of audio files in MP3 format and metadata in XML format.

There exists many audio files freely available on the internet, particularly LibriVox for which there is no corresponding DAISY versions.

This project was therefore produced to generate minimal DAISY metadata to allow collections of audio files to be played on a DAISY player.


These installation instructions have been tested on a Raspberry Pi running Raspberry Pi OS. However it should work on other Linux systems, changing package manager as appropriate.

    sudo apt install python3 lame libmpg123-dev
    git clone
    cd MakeDaisy
    sudo make install

Creating a DAISY Book

  1. Create a folder for the book (in this case "Book"). There should be no spaces in the folder name (use underscores). Change into that folder

    mkdir Book
    cd Book
  2. Create two sub-folders, one for the original MP3s and one for the resulting DAISY book.

    mkdir Source
    mkdir Daisy
  3. Download the audio files for the book into the "Source" folder.

  4. If the files have not come from LibriVox, create a file named "daisy.txt" (in the "Book" folder) with the following format:

    Identifier: A unique reference for the book
    Title: Title of the book
    Creator: Creator of the book
    Publisher: Publisher of the book
    Rights: License for the book
    Source publisher: Publisher of the text version
    Source edition: Edition of the book
    Narrator: Name of the Narrator

    This file may also be created for LibriVox recordings, but suitable defaults are supplied automaticly in that case.

  5. From the "Book" folder, run the command

    makedaisy [options] Source Daisy

    Replace the sub-folder names if you have used different ones.

    The following options may be specified:

    • -ss - A collection of short stories (instead of a single long story)
    • -it - Ignore "Track" tags in MP3 files
    • -sf - Sort files by file name
  6. The program will create the DAISY metadata in the "Daisy" folder.

  7. The program will use "lame" to transcode the MP3 file into the required DAISY format. This may take a while for a long book.

  8. Once the program completes, copy the contents of the "Daisy" folder onto suitable media (CD or USB stick) for the DAISY player.

Possible Enhancements

I no longer have the incentive to work on this, however it currently only produces the minimum of DAISY metadata.