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Immediate Tooltips for Buttons #21

Open oryx-it opened 9 months ago

oryx-it commented 9 months ago

Background While interacting with the interface, I observed that some buttons either lack tooltips altogether or require a user to hover for an extended period (approximately 3 seconds) before the tooltip appears.

Request Ensure that all buttons, especially those with icons that might not be universally recognized, have associated tooltips to provide clarity on their functionality.

Reduce the hover delay for tooltips to display more immediately upon cursor placement, thus allowing for a quicker understanding and improved user experience.

Rationale Tooltips provide essential guidance and clarification for users, especially those unfamiliar with specific icons or functionalities. An immediate response can significantly enhance user interaction, reducing confusion and promoting more efficient navigation.

huynhicode commented 9 months ago

Thanks for the feedback, @oryx-it !

We have an update for this that will be released shortly.