Mermaid-Chart / issue-tracker

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Issue Tracker

This repository is designed to efficiently manage and resolve public issues. Our primary goal is allowing for an open and transparent communication platform that lets you directly contribute to the continuous improvement of Mermaid Chart.

Repository Purpose

How to Submit an Issue

To report an issue, follow these steps:

  1. Search existing issues: Before submitting a new issue, please search the repository to see if someone has already reported the same or a similar issue. If it exists, feel free to add your comments or upvote the issue to help us prioritize it.
  2. Create a new issue: If your issue is not already reported, click on the "Issues" tab and then the "New Issue" button.
  3. Fill in the issue template: Provide as much information as possible to help us understand and reproduce the issue. Include details such as the product or service affected, steps to reproduce the issue, expected and actual results, and any relevant screenshots or error messages.
  4. Submit the issue: Click "Submit New Issue" to create your issue report. Our team will review and prioritize it accordingly.

Issue Resolution

Our team will regularly review and triage incoming issues.

We will:

Please be patient, as resolution time may vary depending on the complexity of the issue and the resources available. You will be notified of any updates or changes in status.


We encourage customers to contribute by reporting issues, suggesting enhancements, and sharing solutions. By participating in this repository, you agree to abide by our Code of Conduct.


Thank you for being an active member of our community and for helping us improve our products and services!