Mermaid-Chart / issue-tracker

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Expand CSS Style Combinations (Themes) #4

Closed Ephron-WL closed 11 months ago

Ephron-WL commented 1 year ago

I prefer the CSS styles for mind map in use on, as they are more vibrant. I suppose I'd suggest a greater set of possible themes beyond the two currently in use. The mind map is a bit challenging to read easily because the color contrast between the drab background colors and the foreground text are not great enough. Otherwise, great work!

knsv commented 1 year ago

Thanks for your feedback and we hear you!

We are adding this into the backlog.

knsv commented 11 months ago

We have released a theme selector to the editor whith a drop down for selecting the theme to be used for the mermaid diagrams image

I hope you will like this new feature!