MetadataDeluxe / VRA-Core-Essentials-ExifTool-config

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adobe-xmp embedded-metadata exiftool metadata


This is a config file to read and write VRA Core Essentials XMP embedded metadata using ExifTool.

VRA Core schema is a data standard for the description of works of visual culture as well as the images that document them.

VRA Essentials is made up select VRA Core properties adapted to the Adobe XMP embedded metadata specification.

The prefered XMP prefix is "vrae" and the namespace is

Properties are defined as either Collection, Work, or Image

Properties have a set of indexed values, e.g., WorkAgentIndexed and a corresponding display element, e.g., WorkAgent


Install exiftool v 10.70 or greater.

More information on exiftool config files

See the Documentation folder for

See the Examples folder for

Example commands

Read all vrae tags

exiftool -config vrae.config -xmp-vrae:all test.jpg

Read WorkMaterial

exiftool -config vrae.config -xmp-vrae:WorkMaterial test.jpg

Read WorkMaterialIndexed to JSON (more useful than flattened tag list)

exiftool -config vrae.config -T -j -xmp-vrae:WorkMaterialIndexed -S -struct test.jpg

Write WorkMaterial

exiftool -config vrae.config -xmp-vrae:WorkMaterial="bronze, on a marble base material" test.jpg

Write Work MaterialIndexed

exiftool -config vrae.config -xmp-vrae:WorkMaterialIndexed="[{value=bronze, vocab=AAT, refid=300010957, href=}, {value=marble, vocab=AAT, refid=300011443, href=, extent=base}]" test.jpg

ExifTool Tags

Tag /Struct Field //Struct Field Type Controled values
CollectionRefid (text)
CollectionHref (text)
CollectionSource (text)
WorkMetadataDate (date) YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.sTZD
WorkMetadataId (text)
WorkMetadataSource (text)
WorkMetadataHref (text) URL
WorkHref (text) URL
WorkRefid (text)
WorkAgent (text)
WorkAgentIndexed [seq] of [structure]
Extent (text)
Attribution (text) after, assistant to, associate of, atelier of, attributed to, circle of, copyist of, follower of, formerly attributed to, manner of, manufactory of, office of, possibly by, probably by, pupil of, school of, studio of, style of, workshop of
Name (text)
NameType (text) personal, corporate, family, other
NameVocab (text)
NameRefid (text)
NameHref (text) URL
NameSource (text)
DateEarliest (text)
DateLatest (text)
DateType (text) life, activity, unknown, other
Culture [seq] of [structure]
Value (text)
Href (text) URL
Refid (text)
Source (text)
Vocab (text)
Role [seq] of [structure]
Value (text)
Href (text) URL
Source (text)
Refid (text)
Vocab (text)
Source (text)
WorkCulturalContext (text)
WorkCulturalContextIndexed [seq] of [structure]
Value (text)
Vocab (text)
Refid (text)
Href (text) URL
Extent (text)
Source (text)
WorkDate (text)
WorkDateIndexed [seq] of [structure]
Type (text) alteration, broadcast, bulk, commission, creation, design, destruction, discovery, exhibition, inclusive, performance, publication, restoration, view, other
EarliestDate (date) ISO 8601
LatestDate (date) ISO 8601
Extent (text)
Source (text)
WorkDescription (text)
WorkDescriptionIndexed [seq] of [structure]
Value (text)
Lang (text) ISO 639-1 Code
Refid (text)
Href (text) URL
Extent (text)
Source (text)
WorkInscription (text)
WorkInscriptionIndexed [seq] of [structure]
Text (text)
TextType (text) signature, mark, caption, date, text, translation, other
TextSource (text)
Lang (text) ISO 639-1 Code
Position (text)
Extent (text)
Author (text)
AuthorVocab (text)
AuthorRefid (text)
AuthorHref (text) URL
AuthorSource (text)
WorkLocationCreation (deprecated) (text)
WorkLocationDiscovery (deprecated) (text)
WorkLocationExhibition (deprecated) (text)
WorkLocationFormerOwner (deprecated) (text)
WorkLocationFormerRepository (deprecated) (text)
WorkLocationFormerSite (deprecated) (text)
WorkLocationInstallation (deprecated) (text)
WorkLocationintended (deprecated) (text)
WorkLocationOther (deprecated) (text)
WorkLocationOwner (deprecated) (text)
WorkLocationPerformance (deprecated) (text)
WorkLocationPublication (deprecated) (text)
WorkLocationRepository (deprecated) (text)
WorkLocationSite (deprecated) (text)
WorkLocation (text) Display value for all locationIndexed properties
WorkLocationNotes (text)
WorkLocationIndexed [seq] of [structure]
Type (text) creation, discovery, exhibition, formerOwner, formerRepository, formerSite, installation, intended, owner, performance, publication, repository, site, other
Name (text)
NameVocab (text)
NameRefid (text)
NameHref (text) URL
NameType (text) personal, corporate, family, other
Refid (text)
RefidType (text) accession, barcode, shelfList, other
Geo (text)
GeoVocab (text)
GeoRefid (text)
GeoHref (text) URL
GeoExtent (text) neighborhood, district (urban), city, county, district, region, province, nation, empire, ruins
WorkMaterial (text)
WorkMaterialIndexed [seq] of [structure]
Value (text)
Vocab (text)
Refid (text)
Href (text) URL
Extent (text)
Source (text)
WorkMeasurements (text)
WorkMeasurementsIndexed [seq] of [structure]
Unit (text) mm, cm, dm, m, km, mil, in, ft, yd, mi, pix, mm2, cm2, m2, km2, in2, ft2, yd2, c, g, kg, Mg, t, oz, lb, cwt, ton, ppcm, ppi, ms, s, min, h, d, B, kB, MB, GB
Extent (text)
Rules (text)
Source (text)
Measurements [seq] of [structure]
Value (text)
Type (text) area, base, bitDepth, circumference, count, depth, diameter, distanceBetween, duration, fileSize, height, length, resolution, running time, scale, size, target, weight, width, other
WorkRelation (text)
WorkRelationIndexed [seq] of [structure]
Value (text)
Type (text) cartoonFor, cartoonIs, componentOf, componentIs, copyAfter, copyIs, counterProofFor, counterProofIs, depicts, depictedIn, derivedFrom, sourceFor, designedFor, contextIs, exhibitedAt, venueFor, facsimileOf, facimileIs, formerlyPartOf, formerlyLargerContextFor, imageOf, imageIs, mateOf, modelFor, modelIs, partOf, largerContectFor, partnerInSetWith, pendantOf, planFor, planIs, preparationFor, basedOn, printingPlateFor, printingPlateIs, prototypeFor, prototypeIs, relatedTo, reliefFor, impressionIs, replicaOf, replicaIs, studyFor, studyIs, versionOf, versionIs
Href (text) URL
Refid (text)
Relids (text)
Source (text)
WorkRights (text)
WorkRightsIndexed [seq] of [structure]
Type (text) copyrighted, publicDomain, undetermined, other
Extent (text)
Refid (text)
Href (text) URL
Text (text)
Lang (text) ISO 639-1 Code
TextVocab (text)
TextHref (text) URL
Holder (text)
HolderVocab (text)
HolderRefid (text)
HolderHref (text) URL
Notes (text)
WorkSource (text)
WorkSourceIndexed [seq] of [structure]
Extent (text)
Refid (text)
RefidType (text) citation, ISBN, ISSN, openURL, URI, vendor, other
Href (text) URL
Value (text)
Type (text) book, donor, electronic, serial, vendor, other
NameVocab (text)
NameRefid (text)
NameHref (text) URL
WorkStateEdition (text)
WorkStateEditionIndexed [seq] of [structure]
Type (text) state, edition, impression, other
Number (text)
Count (text)
Name (text)
Description (text)
Refid (text)
Href (text) URL
Source (text)
WorkStylePeriod (text)
WorkStylePeriodIndexed [seq] of [structure]
Value (text)
Vocab (text)
Refid (text)
Href (text) URL
Extent (text)
Source (text)
WorkSubject (text)
WorkSubjectIndexed [seq] of [structure]
Value (text)
Type (text) conceptTopic, descriptiveTopic, iconographicTopic, otherTopic, builtworkPlace, geographicPlace, otherPlace, corporateName, familyName, personalName, scientificName, otherName
Lang (text) ISO 639-1 Code
Extent (text)
Rules (text)
Source (text)
Vocab (text)
Refid (text)
Href (text) URL
WorkTechnique (text)
WorkTechniqueIndexed [seq] of [structure]
Value (text)
Vocab (text)
Refid (text)
Href (text) URL
Lang (text) ISO 639-1 Code
Extent (text)
Source (text)
WorkTextref (text)
WorkTextrefIndexed [seq] of [structure]
Name (text)
NameType (text) book, catalog, corpus, electronic, serial, other
Refid (text)
RefidType (text) citation, ISBN, ISSN, openURL, URI, vendor, other
Href (text) URL
Extent (text)
Source (text)
WorkTitle (text)
WorkTitleIndexed [seq] of [structure]
Value (text)
Type (text) brandName, cited, creator, descriptive, former, generalView, inscribed, owner, partialView, popular, repository, translated, other
Lang (text) ISO 639-1 Code
Pref (boolean) True, False
Relids (text)
Href (text) URL
Vocab (text)
Refid (text)
Source (text)
WorkWorktype (text)
WorkWorktypeIndexed [seq] of [structure]
Value (text)
Vocab (text)
Refid (text)
Href (text) URL
Extent (text)
Source (text)
ImageMetadataDate (date) YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.sTZD
ImageMetadataId (text)
ImageMetadataSource (text)
ImageMetadataHref (text) URL
ImageRefid (text)
ImageHref (text) URL
Creator [seq] of (text)
AuthorsPosition (text)
ImageAgentIndexed [seq] of [structure]
Value (text)
Vocab (text)
Refid (text)
Href (text) URL
DateCreated (date) ISO 8601
ImageDescription (text)
ImageDescriptionIndexed [seq] of [structure]
Value (text)
Lang (text) ISO 639-1 Code
Refid (text)
Href (text) URL
Extent (text)
Source (text)
ImageInscription (text)
ImageInscriptionIndexed [seq] of [structure]
Text (text)
TextType (text) signature, mark, caption, date, text, translation, other
TextSource (text)
Lang (text) ISO 639-1 Code
Position (text)
Extent (text)
Author (text)
AuthorVocab (text)
AuthorRefid (text)
AuthorHref (text) URL
AuthorSource (text)
ImageRelation (text)
ImageRelationIndexed [seq] of [structure]
Value (text)
Type (text) facsimile of, image of, part of, preparatory for, related to
Href (text) URL
Refid (text)
Relids (text)
Source (text)
Rights [langAlt]
Marked ((boolean)) True, False
CopyrightOwnerName (text)
Credit [seq] of (text)
WebStatement (text) URL
Instructions (text)
License (text) URL
ImageSource (text)
ImageSourceIndexed (seq struct) [seq] of [structure]
Extent (text)
Refid (text)
RefidType (text) citation, ISBN, ISSN, openURL, URI, vendor, other
Href (text) URL
Value (text)
Type (text) book, donor, electronic, serial, vendor, other
NameVocab (text)
NameRefid (text)
NameHref (text) URL
ImageSubject (text)
ImageSubjectIndexed [seq] of [structure]
Value (text)
Type (text) conceptTopic, descriptiveTopic, iconographicTopic, otherTopic, builtworkPlace, geographicPlace, otherPlace, corporateName, familyName, personalName, scientificName, otherName
Lang (text) ISO 639-1 Code
Extent (text)
Rules (text)
Source (text)
Vocab (text)
Refid (text)
Href (text) URL
ImageTitle (text)
ImageTitleIndexed (seq struct) [seq] of [structure]
Value (text)
Type (text) generalView, partialView
Lang (text) ISO 639-1 Code
Pref (boolean) True, False
Relids (text)
Href (text) URL
Vocab (text)
Refid (text)
Source (text)
custom1 [struct] (text)
_label (text)
Data (text)
custom2 [struct] (text)
_label (text)
Data (text)
custom3 [struct] (text)
_label (text)
Data (text)
custom4 [struct] (text)
_label (text)
Data (text)
custom5 [struct] (text)
_label (text)
Data (text)
custom6 [struct] (text)
_label (text)
Data (text)
Publisher [bag] of (text)
TransmissionReference (text)
CaptionWriter (text)
CreatorContactInfo [struct] (text)
CreatorAddress (text)
CreatorCity (text)
CreatorRegion (text)
CreatorCountry (text)
CreatorPostalCode (text)
CreatorWorkEmail (text)
CreatorWorkTelephone (text)
CreatorWorkURL (text) URL
Source (text)
Credit (text)
UsageTerms [langAlt]
Instructions (text)
Title [langAlt]
Headline (text)
Description [langAlt]
Keywords [bag] of (text)