Metadrop / scripthor

Swiss knife of scripts for speed up the development on drupal projects.
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Metadrop Composer Scripthor

Scripthor toolset

This is a swiss knife of scripts for speed up the development on drupal projects.

Works with drupal 8+ projects.


Drupal Composer Scripthor is used by requiring composer require metadrop/scripthor in your project.

Typically, the scaffold operations run automatically as needed, e.g. after composer install, so it is usually not necessary to do anything different to scaffold a project once the configuration is set up in the project composer.json file, as described below. To scripthor files directly, run:

Scripthor create symlinks

composer scripthor:create-symlinks


Simple script to backup a Drupal site. It dumps the database using drush and tars anything under the web folder (this means it assumes the Drupal root is under the web folder).

Destination folder can be set using the first parameter. If nothing passed, the backups are placed under the backups folder.

$ scripts/

Dumping database to ./backups/backups-automated/db/site-db-20210914-185115.sql-gz...OK!
Backuping codebase and files...OK!
Cleaning old backups...OK!

IMPORTANT! The script tries to backupo the default site. This means is not compatible with multisite setups. You can easily create your own script based on this for mulsites.