Meteo-Concept / leaflet-inflatable-markers-group

Declutter your Leaflet maps by deflating collisioning markers
MIT License
7 stars 0 forks source link


The plugin can be seen as an alternative to the most excellent Leaflet marker cluster plugin.

When you have many markers on a map, it can become unreadable. This plugin gives markers two states : an inflated state (the normal state) which takes up some space and a deflated state which takes up much less space and is used to declutter the map. The plugin computes for each marker the list of markers that cannot be inflated at the same time without collisioning and making the map messy. Right-clicking on a marker toggles between the inflated and deflated states and when a marker is inflated, all collisioning markers are deflated to make room for it.

Have a look at the demo page to see what it looks like.



npm install @meteo-concept/leaflet-inflatable-markers-group


yarn add @meteo-concept/leaflet-inflatable-markers-group


Download the latest release and include it in your app.


Where you would use a L.LayerGroup, use an L.InflatableMarkersGroup instead. The difference with the base L.LayerGroup object is that you must provide a iconCreateFunction option and you must give the icons you add to the group a defined size. The iconCreateFunction will be used to construct the deflated versions of the markers and the icon size is used to compute the collisions.

See file index.html in the example folder for a simple demo of a map with many temperature labels on it. Note that the plugin tries to inflate as many markers as possible without causing collisions when zooming and dezooming.

In the example, we've used a circle as the deflated version of the markers and labels in the inflated version.

Screenshot of the demo page showing a map with markers, some deflated


You can use the example folder for testing. The following command produces a minified js and copies leaflet.inflatable-markers-group.min.js in the example folder.

npm run release








Météo Concept