Meteor-Community-Packages / meteor-autocomplete

Client/server autocompletion designed for Meteor's collections and reactivity.
MIT License
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Client/server autocompletion designed for Meteor's collections and reactivity.

Check out a demo app at or the source.

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What's this do?

Auto-completes typing in text inputs or textareas from different local or remote Meteor collections when triggered by certain symbols. You've probably seen this when referring to users or issues in a GitHub conversation. For example, you may want to ping a user:

Autocompleting a user

...and ask them to look at a certain item:

Autocompleting something else


Meteor's client-side data availability makes this dynamic, full-fledged autocomplete widget possible. Use it in chat rooms, comments, other messaging systems, or wherever strikes your fancy.


Use Meteor to install the package:

meteor add mizzao:autocomplete

Add a text input or textarea to a template in one of the following ways, as a Spacebars template or block helper. Pass in any HTML parameters as other arguments to the template:

<template name="foo">
    ... stuff
    {{> inputAutocomplete settings=settings id="msg" class="input-xlarge" placeholder="Chat..."}}
    ... more stuff

<template name="bar">
    ... stuff
    {{#textareaAutocomplete settings=settings id="msg"}}
    ... more stuff

Define a helper for the first argument, like the following example:{
  settings: function() {
    return {
      position: "top",
      limit: 5,
      rules: [
          token: '@',
          collection: Meteor.users,
          field: "username",
          template: Template.userPill
          token: '!',
          collection: Dataset,
          field: "_id",
          options: '',
          matchAll: true,
          filter: { type: "autocomplete" },
          template: Template.dataPiece
Top Level Options
Rule Specific Options

Default matcher arguments: the default behavior is to create a regex against the field to be matched, which will be constructed using the arguments below.

Custom matcher: if this is specified, the default matcher arguments will be ignored. (Note that you should still specify field.)

Detecting Selections

Autocomplete triggers jQuery events that can be listened to using Meteor's event maps. The only currently supported event is autocompleteselect, which notifies of a selected element. For example:{
  "autocompleteselect input": function(event, template, doc) {
    console.log("selected ", doc);

See the example app for more details.

Regex Specification and Options

Note that regular expression searches can only use an index efficiently when the regular expression has an anchor for the beginning (i.e. ^) of a string and is a case-sensitive match. Hence, when using case-sensitive matches and string start anchors (i.e. matchAll: false) searches can take advantage of server indices in Mongo.

This behavior is demonstrated in the example app.

Whole-field (Tokenless) Autocompletion

If you only need to autocomplete over a single collection and want to match the entire field, specify a rules array with a single object and omit the token argument. The behavior for this is a little different than with tokens; see the demo.

Mixing tokens with tokenless autocompletion is unsupported and will probably result in unexpected behavior.

Server-side Autocompletion and Text Search Engines

For security purposes, a default implementation of server-side autocomplete is only provided for insecure collections, to be used while prototyping. In all other applications, write your own publish function with the same arguments as in the autocomplete-recordset publication and secure it properly, given that malicious clients can subscribe to this function in ways other than the autocomplete client code would.

Make sure to push documents to the autocompleteRecords client-side collection. A convenience function, Autocomplete.publishCursor, is provided as an easy way to do this. See the default implementation for an example.

Use of a custom publish function also allows you to:

Autocomplete Templates

An autocomplete template is just a normal Meteor template that is passed in the matched document. The template will be passed the entire matched document as a data context, so render list items as fancily as you would like. For example, it's usually helpful to see metadata for matches as in the pictures above.

Records that match the filter text typed after the token render a list of the template sorted in ascending order by field. For example, if you were matching on Meteor.users and you just wanted to display the username, you can do something very simple, and display the same field:

<template name="userPill">
    <span class="label">{{username}}</span>

However, you might want to do something a little more fancy and show not only the user, but whether they are online or not (with something like the user-status package. In that case you could do something like the following:

<template name="userPill">
    <span class="label {{labelClass}}">{{username}}</span>

and accompanying code:

Template.userPill.labelClass = function() {
  if this._id === Meteor.userId()
    return "label-warning"
  else if === true
    return "label-success"
    return ""

This (using normal Bootstrap classes) will cause the user to show up in orange for him/herself, in green for other users that are online, and in grey otherwise. See CrowdMapper's templates for other interesting things you may want to do.


For example settings see one of the following:

Future Work (a.k.a. send pull requests)


Main Contributors