MethodsOfMachineLearning / probabilistic_line_search

Probabilistic line search algorithm for stochastic optimization with a TensorFlow interface.
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Probabilistic Line Search

This is a Python implementation of a Probabilistic Line Searches for Stochastic Optimization (NIPS paper, extended version) plus a TensorFlow interface that allows you to use the line search to train your TensorFlow model. Please note: this is a development version with multiple experimental changes compared to the original paper!

The Algorithm in a Nutshell

The probabilistic line search is an algorithm for the optimization of a stochastic objective function F. Being at point x and having fixed a search direction d, it maintains a Gaussian process model for the one-dimensional function f(t) = F(x + td). This function and its derivative are evaluated at (possibly multiple) step sizes t, updating the GP after each observation. This is repeated until a probabilistic belief over a quality criterion of the step size, implied by the GP, exceeds a certain threshold.


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The built-in TensorFlow optimizers are used roughly like this

var_list = ...
losses = ... # A vector of losses, one for each example in the batch

loss = tf.mean(losses)
opt = tf.train.GradientDescentOptimizer(learning_rate)
sgd_step = opt.minimize(loss)
sess = tf.Session()

for i in range(num_steps):
  ..., feed_dict_if_applicable)

Usage is slightly different for the probabilistic line search optimizer, but its only five additional lines of code:

from probls.tensorflow_interface.interface_sgd import ProbLSOptimizerSGDInterface
from probls.line_search import ProbLSOptimizer

var_list = ...
losses = ... # A vector of losses, one for each example in the batch

opt_interface = ProbLSOptimizerSGDInterface()
opt_interface.minimize(losses, var_list) # Note that we pass losses, not an aggregate mean loss
sess = tf.Session()
opt_ls = ProbLSOptimizer(opt_interface)

for i in range(num_steps):

The effects of these individual commands will become clear in the next section. See the examples/ folder for working demo scripts.

Quick Guide to this Implementation

This implementation consists of two major components:

Line Search

The ProbLSOptimizer class is implemented in probls.line_search. It excepts a func argument which acts as the interface to the objective function. It is assumend that func has three methods:

*args are additional positional arguments, e.g.. an optional feed_dict in the case the TensorFlow interface; see below. The line search algorithm "communicates" with the objective function exclusively via these three methods.

Other than func, ProbLSOptimizer has no required arguments, most notably, no learning rate! The remaining arguments are design parameters of the line search algorithm. See the docstring of ProbLSOptimizer a description of these parameters.

opt_ls has two methods that are of interest for the end-user.

The Gaussian process functionality needed in the line search is outsourced to probls.gaussian_process. It implements one-dimensional Gaussian process regression with an integrated Wiener process kernel that uses observations of both the function value and the derivative. For details, see the docstring of the ProbLSGaussianProcess class.

TensorFlow Interface

The TensorFlow interface ProbLSOptimizerSGDInterface is implemented in probls.tensorflow_interface.interface_sgd. It inherits from tf.train.Optimizer and implements the necessary functionality to serve as the func argument of the ProbLSOptimizer, providing the desired interface to the objective function defined by your TensorFlow model. Its minimize(losses, var_list) method adds to sets of operations to the TensorFlow graph:

In order for the ProbLSOptimizerSGDInterface object to work as a self-contained interface that can perform function/gradient evaluations, you have to pass it a TensorFlow session via its register_session(sess) method. After that, the interface is ready to go and provides the three aforementioned methods adv_eval(dt, optional_feed_dict), accept() and prepare(optional_feed_dict).

A crucial part of the line search are within-batch estimates of the variance of the function value and the gradient, see equations (17) and (18) in the paper. The variance of the objective is easily computed given the individual loss values for the examples in the batch. That is why we pass the vector of losses, instead of a mean loss. Computing the gradient variance is a little tricky; a detailed explanation can be found in this note. For the implementation, see probls.tensorflow_interface.gradient_moment.