Metro-Records / la-metro-councilmatic

:metro: An instance of councilmatic for LA Metro
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Home: Character limit, formatting and editing alerts #1076

Open shrayshray opened 4 months ago

shrayshray commented 4 months ago

A couple questions about the alerts (#1010) banner functionality:

  1. Is there a character limit on alerts?
  2. Can we add line breaks in alerts?
  3. Can existing alerts be edited? Currently, any changes to an existing alert can only be made by creating a new alert and deleting the existing alert.
xmedr commented 4 months ago

@shrayshray great questions!

  1. The practical answer is no, there is no character limit for alerts. In reality there is a limit but it's super high, 1GB of text in total which translates to books worth of pages/words. Is a smaller character limit something you folks wanted in place?
  2. We can absolutely add the ability for line breaks! I'll add a new button as well to make inserting those a bit easier.
  3. You're right, as of now that's the only way to edit alerts. We'll work on adding an edit button to help with that!
xmedr commented 3 months ago

@shrayshray update: we've got the functionality working for line breaks and editing (see gif below). we'll just be moving the alert manager to a dedicated page and it'll be good to go! with the addition of the edit form, we're hoping giving the manager its own page will help to clarify and declutter things.


shrayshray commented 3 months ago

@xmedr looks great!

xmedr commented 3 months ago

@shrayshray great! this has been added into the live site. we've added a new Admin dropdown to the navbar when logged in, in case we add more of these kinds of features. and the alerts have been moved into a link there. here's an updated preview of what that looks like