Metro-Records / la-metro-councilmatic

:metro: An instance of councilmatic for LA Metro
MIT License
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councilmatic la-metro legislation

Metro Board Reports

Metro Board Reports helps the Los Angeles community understand the activities of the Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority (Metro) – a government agency that consists of several Board Members, who set policy, coordinate, plan, fund, build, and operate transit services and transportation programs throughout LA County.

The Metro Board Reports site monitors all things related to the Metro Board of Directors:

This site ultimately encourages greater public dialogue and increased awareness about transportation issues in LA County.

Metro Board Reports is a member of the Councilmatic family. Learn how to build your own Councilmatic site!


These days, we run apps in containers for local development. More on that here. Prefer to run the app locally? See the legacy setup instructions.

Set-up pre-commit

We use the pre-commit framework to use Git pre-commit hooks that keep our codebase clean.

To set up Pre-Commit, install the Python package on your local machine using

python -m pip install pre-commit

If you'd rather not install pre-commit globally, create and activate a virtual environment in this repo before running the above command.

Then, run

pre-commit install

to set up the git hooks.

Since hooks are run locally, you can modify which scripts are run before each commit by modifying .pre-commit-config.yaml.

Get the API key

There should be an entry in the DataMade LastPass account called 'LA Metro -' Copy its contents into a file called and place it in lametro/.

Generate the deployment settings

Run cp councilmatic/ councilmatic/

Install OS level dependencies:

Run the application

docker-compose up -d

Note that you can omit the -d flag to follow the application and service logs. If you prefer a quieter environment, you can view one log stream at a time with docker-compose logs -f SERVICE_NAME, where SERVICE_NAME is the name of one of the services defined in docker-compose.yml, e.g., app, postgres, etc.

When the command exits (-d) or your logs indicate that your app is up and running, visit http://localhost:8001 to visit your shiny, new local application!

Load in the data

The Metro app ingests updated data from the Legistar API several times an hour.

To import data into your local instance, first decrypt the bundled file, so you can retrieve information about private bills.

blackbox_decrypt_file lametro/

Then, simply run:

docker-compose run --rm scrapers

This may take a few minutes to an hour, depending on the volume of recent updates.

Once it's finished, head over to http://localhost:8001 to view your shiny new app!

Optional: Populate the search index

If you wish to use search in your local install, you need a SmartLogic API key. Initiated DataMade staff may decrypt application secrets for use:

blackbox_cat configs/

Grab the SMARTLOGIC_API_KEY value from the decrypted settings, and swap it into your local councilmatic/ file.

Then, run the refresh_guid management command to grab the appropriate classifications for topics in the database.

docker-compose exec app python refresh_guid

Finally, add data to your search index with the update_index command from Haystack.

docker-compose run --rm app python update_index

When the command exits, your search index has been filled. (You can view the Solr admin panel at http://localhost:8987/solr.)

Running arbitrary scrapes

Occasionally, after a while without running an event scrape, you may find that your local app is broken. If this happens, make sure you have events in your database that are scheduled for the future, as the app queries for upcoming events in order to render the landing page.

  1. Make sure there are future events scheduled in Legistar. Go to the LA Metro Legistar page and open up the time filter for "All Years".

  2. If you notice that there are future events in Legistar, run a small windowed event scrape:

docker-compose run --rm scrapers pupa update lametro events window=0.05 --rpm=0

This will bring in a few upcoming events, and your app will be able to load the landing page.

Scraping specific bill

It's sometimes helpful to make sure you have a specific bill in your database for debugging. Here's how you can scrape a bill you need:

  1. Go to the Legistar Web API at the following URL:$filter=MatterFile%20eq%20%27%27 and find the <MatterId> of the bill. The identifier should be in XXXX-XXXX format, and the MatterId is a 4 digit number.

  2. Run the following command in your shell:

    docker-compose run --rm scrapers pupa update lametro bills matter_ids=<bill_matter_id> --rpm=0

Making changes to the Solr schema

Did you make a change to the schema file that Solr uses to make its magic (solr_configs/conf/schema.xml)? Did you add a new field or adjust how Solr indexes data? If so, you need to take a few steps – locally and on the server.

Local development

First, remove your Solr container.

# Remove your existing Metro containers and the volume containing your Solr data
docker-compose down
docker volume rm la-metro-councilmatic_lametro-solr-data

# Build the containers anew
docker-compose up -d

Then, rebuild your index.

python refresh_guid  # Run if you made a change to facets based on topics
docker-compose run --rm app python rebuild_index --batch-size=50

On the Server

The Dockerized versions of Solr on the server need your attention, too. Perform the following steps first on staging, then – after confirming that everything is working as expected – on production.

  1. Deploy your changes to the appropriate environment (staging or production).

  2. Shell into the server, and cd into the relevant project directory.

    # Staging project directory: lametro-staging
    # Production project directory: lametro
    cd /home/datamade/${PROJECT_DIRECTORY}
  3. Remove and restart the Solr container.

    # Staging Solr container: lametro-staging-solr
    # Production Solr container: lametro-production-solr
    sudo docker stop ${SOLR_CONTAINER}
    sudo docker rm ${SOLR_CONTAINER}
    sudo docker-compose -f docker-compose.deployment.yml up -d ${SOLR_CONTAINER}
  4. Solr will only apply changes to the schema and config upon core creation, so consult the Solr logs to confirm the core was remade.

    # Staging Solr service: solr-staging
    # Production Solr service: solr-production
    sudo docker-compose -f docker-compose.deployment.yml logs -f ${SOLR_SERVICE}

    You should see logs resembling this:

    Attaching to ${SOLR_CONTAINER}
    Executing /opt/docker-solr/scripts/solr-create -c ${SOLR_CORE} -d /la-metro-councilmatic_configs
    Running solr in the background. Logs are in /opt/solr/server/logs
    Waiting up to 180 seconds to see Solr running on port 8983 [\]
    Started Solr server on port 8983 (pid=64). Happy searching!
    Solr is running on http://localhost:8983
    Creating core with: -c ${SOLR_CORE} -d /la-metro-councilmatic_configs
    INFO  - 2020-11-18 13:57:09.874; org.apache.solr.util.configuration.SSLCredentialProviderFactory; Processing SSL Credential Provider chain: env;sysprop
    Created new core '${SOLR_CORE}' <---- IMPORTANT MESSAGE
    Checking core

    If you see something like "Skipping core creation", you need to perform the additional step of recreating the Solr core.

    # Staging Solr core: lametro-staging
    # Production Solr core: lametro
    sudo docker exec ${SOLR_CONTAINER} solr delete -c ${SOLR_CORE}
    sudo docker exec ${SOLR_CONTAINER} solr-create -c ${SOLR_CORE} -d /la-metro-councilmatic_configs

    Note that we remove and recreate the core, rather than the blunt force option of removing the Docker volume containg the Solr data, because the staging and production Solr containers use the same volume, so removing it would wipe out both indexes at once.

  5. Switch to the datamade user.

    sudo su - datamade
  6. Rebuild the index:

    # Staging and production virtual environments are named after the corresponding project directory
    source ~/.virtualenvs/${PROJECT_DIRECTORY}/bin/activate
    python refresh_guid  # Run if you made a change to facets based on topics
    python rebuild_index --batch-size=50

Nice! The production server should have the newly edited schema and freshly built index, ready to search, filter, and facet.

Connecting to AWS S3 for development

If you want to use the S3 bucket, you’ll need the AWS S3 API keys. This can be found by running:

    blackbox_cat configs/

Grab the values for the AWS_S3_ACCESS_KEY_ID and the AWS_S3_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY. Then, find/create your .env file in the councilmatic/ folder and paste in your values, naming them ACCESS_KEY and SECRET_KEY respectively.

Now you should be able to start uploading some files!

Adding a new board member

Hooray! A new member has been elected or appointed to the Board of Directors. Metro will provide a headshot and bio for the new member. There are a few changes you need to make so they appear correctly on the site.

N.b., these changes can be made in any order.

Update the scraper

Update the Metro app

Check your work

To confirm your changes worked, run the app locally and confirm the following:

If everything looks good, you can deploy to staging, check again, then push the changes to the live site.

A note on tests

LA Metro Councilmatic has a basic test suite. If you need to run it, simply run:

docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml -f tests/docker-compose.yml run --rm app

Load testing

LA Metro Councilmatic uses Locust for load testing. There is a starter script in that visits the homepage, event listing, and an event detail page at random intervals between 60 and 90 seconds. This script was derived from user behavior in Google Analytics. (If needed, request analytics access from Metro.)

You can run the load tests using the locust service in docker-compose.locust.yml:

docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml -f docker-compose.locust.yml run --service-ports --rm locust

This will start the Locust web server on http://localhost:8089. For more details, see the Locust documentation.

Review Apps

This repo is set up to deploy review apps on Heroku, and those pull from the staging database to match the experience of deploying as closely as possible! However, note that in order to prevent unapproved model changes from effecting the staging database, migrations are prevented from running on review apps. So those will still have to be reviewed locally.

Errors / Bugs

If something is not behaving intuitively, it is a bug, and should be reported. Report it here:

Note on Patches/Pull Requests


Copyright (c) 2023 DataMade. Released under the MIT License.