Metro-Records / la-metro-councilmatic

:metro: An instance of councilmatic for LA Metro
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Audit Board Room Rules displayed on About page #778

Open hancush opened 2 years ago

hancush commented 2 years ago

The current copy is:

Board Room Rules If you wish to address the Board, please fill out the salmon-colored request to speak form available in the lobby and give it to the security guard before 9:45 a.m. General comment on items within the Board’s jurisdiction will be taken prior to establishment of a quorum and completed at the end of the meeting. Public comment on agenda items will be taken as each item is considered. In accordance with the Ralph M. Brown Act, public comment will not be taken on items previously considered at a committee meeting where the public was given the opportunity to comment. Disorderly behavior or inappropriate comments at the podium may be cause for exclusion from further public comment for the day or removal from the Board room. You will be allowed one minute to speak. If you are unable to stand, a handheld microphone is available at the podium. Translation headsets are also available at the podium (Spanish 12, Korean 13). If you wish to address the Board, please submit a public comment request through one of the digital kiosks in the lobby.

@shrayshray @camachoo, let us know what to update and we can get that in ASAP!

hancush commented 2 years ago

Link to current copy: