Metro-Records / la-metro-councilmatic

:metro: An instance of councilmatic for LA Metro
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Improve mobile display #969

Open hancush opened 1 year ago

hancush commented 1 year ago

About 10% of our users visit the site on a mobile or tablet device. That might not sound like much, but it amounts to ~7,000 people this year. The quality of site display on smaller screens is pretty variable. Let's put some thought into improving display for non-desktop devices.

xmedr commented 1 year ago

I did some snooping with browserstack and my phone to see how things are. Here are some thoughts on some pages. Lmk what you think @hancush, I can pick any or all of these up anytime:

hancush commented 1 year ago

@xmedr Thanks for this! Let's start working through these by section. Want to pick up the General and Homepage items?

Let's also take this opportunity to upgrade to the latest Bootstrap! As there are quite a few changes between legacy and contemporary Bootstrap, I'd like you to reproduce the existing site design but write the new templates from scratch (of course, copying and pasting content and other reusable elements). LMK if this makes sense!

Can you open up a branch called "mobile-updates", then branch off that branch and start your changes? We'll use "mobile-updates" as a long-lived feature dev branch and continue to branch off of it as we move through this list.

xmedr commented 1 year ago

@hancush Yep this sounds good to me, and in that case I'll probably do the bootstrap upgrade in tandem with the mobile updates. Ty!

xmedr commented 1 year ago

@hancush update for you, I was able to get a draft of the General and Homepage upgrades and bootstrap migration on the mobile-adjustments branch, and I've started work on the About Us (was hoping I could knock that out before EOD today, but I'm almost done with that one)

hancush commented 9 months ago

@shrayshray These changes are deployed to the staging site! Want to take a spin and let us know what you think?

hancush commented 8 months ago

@xmedr to redeploy to staging for Metro review in October.

xmedr commented 8 months ago

@shrayshray These changes are redeployed at and includes the most recent updates at time of writing. That includes things like the alert manager and the Caltrans board members map layer.

Note: The alert manager uses styles based on this upgrade. So on the live site, the Primary and Secondary alerts may not have specific colors until this is brought in. The other alerts should work just fine for now, though.

shrayshray commented 8 months ago

@xmedr This is looking great to me on my iOS devices, and I have a couple notes below. I asked @camachoo and @neilarellano to check on their devices and add feedback here as well. Notes:

  1. On meeting pages, it looks like there could be some vertical space added between the recording buttons: 91E4A3D5-F58E-474E-913E-FEE0423670E2

  2. Can you add a scroll bar to the list of directors on the mobile version, similar to on the desktop version (screenshot below)? This would make it more clear there are more directors in the list to view. image

  3. Can the view PDF and download buttons be emphasized, either with bold or larger font on the Board Report pages? 8C3CF8D4-40CD-4968-92D1-5C94BCB48405

  4. Is it possible to reissue admin login credentials to the staging site? The credentials I have aren't working to login and see the new alert styles. This is only if you want me to review the new alert styles here, before they are live (but not a huge deal because we'd preview them on live before pushing to users anyway).

xmedr commented 8 months ago

@shrayshray Thanks for this! To answer your questions:

  1. Good catch, there absolutely can be some space in between those buttons
  2. So far, the appearance of the scroll bar seems like it's controlled by the mobile OS. I'll do some more digging on this though to be sure. In case it doesn't pan out, the plus side is that it does show once you start scrolling.
  3. For sure, we can get that emphasized. Below I have an example of both a font size increase and bolded text, what do you think? If it's too much we can just do one or the other.
  4. That'd be useful to for you all to have working logins for the future even, so we'll get that back up
hancush commented 7 months ago

@xmedr Can you provide an update on this?

xmedr commented 7 months ago

@shrayshray I've got an email coming your way with new login credentials for the staging site at , and changes from your feedback has been redeployed there.

There's also some bonus changes from the first round of accessibility adjustments discussed in #1021. The most notable changes are higher color contrast throughout the site, and the addition of underlines to links to help distinguish them beyond just color.

If you have the time, would you be able to take a look at this by the end of the week? No worries if you folks are busy!

shrayshray commented 6 months ago

@xmedr on the homepage, could you add additional contrast to the text below the search box? Maybe a white background behind it? The image behind the text obscures it in some views and while the new higher contrast helps, more would be better. image

xmedr commented 6 months ago

@shrayshray of course! though it looks like you might be looking at a different version of the site. is this maybe the link for the staging site on heroku that was recently shared with you? if so, that unfortunately doesn't have the styling changes on there. sorry for not realizing this would've been confusing sooner!

we'll be keeping the old staging site available until these changes are approved. so for now that's going to be at and if anything else changes i'll be sure to give an update. so on this link, that text looks something more like:


and i can definitely still increase the contrast more if we need

shrayshray commented 6 months ago

@xmedr my screenshot was from the live site and it definitely looks better on staging than on live! But Omar requested even more contrast than what we're seeing on staging.

xmedr commented 6 months ago

@shrayshray absolutely! here's what it looks like in that white box. and i agree, this does feel way more readable.

also change of plans on that old staging site. we did end up taking that down, and instead we're putting these changes up on the new heroku staging site you were using before, found at apologies for that bout of switching and thanks for bearing with me on this! 🙇


shrayshray commented 6 months ago

@xmedr beautiful! Thank you!

xmedr commented 6 months ago

@shrayshray absolutely! and of course let me know if you folks find anything else on this or if we're good to go

xmedr commented 5 months ago

@neilarellano @camachoo these changes are back on staging for review!

neilarellano commented 5 months ago

Hi Team,

I noticed when I was going through Board Reports search results that some informational labels were overlapping on Android mobile. Please see below:


xmedr commented 5 months ago

@neilarellano thanks for catching that! i've got that fixed, and staging now looks like below. let me know whether you find anything else


xmedr commented 4 months ago

@shrayshray Thanks again for signing off on the current set of mobile/accessibility changes! The next two parts are up on the staging site now for you folks to review. Here are some major things to look out for, for each category:

Operable (2 of 4)

Understandable (3 of 4)

In the meantime, we'll continue work on the last category.

xmedr commented 3 months ago

@shrayshray we're close to done with the 4th leg of the a11y changes! though we'll still hold off on bringing it in to the staging site until this previous round of review is done.

xmedr commented 2 months ago

Updating this with details from the latest meeting. We’re done with the last category of the a11y changes and just waiting for the previous two to get tested so we can push this last one up. Once that's finished, we can get everything onto the main site!

@shrayshray were you folks able to find any issues with the "operable" and "understandable" categories? If not, I can push the last bit up