MetroStar / conda-vendor

Conda package for artifact creation that enables offline environments. Ideal for air-gapped deployments.
MIT License
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Conda Vendor is a tool to create local conda channels and attestetation manifests based on an input conda environment yaml file. This tool is particularly useful when trying to use conda packages inside an air-gapped network.


To install with pip, run:

pip install conda-vendor

To install with conda, run:

conda install -c conda-forge conda-vendor

Development Installation

Create a conda environment with conda-vendor development dependencies:

mamba env create --file environment.yaml

Install conda-vendor as an editable pip package:

pip install -e .

Running Tests:

pytest tests/ -vvv -s


Supported Solvers

Vendor dependencies from an environment.yaml into a local channel:

# Use conda as the solver for linux-64
conda-vendor vendor --file environment.yaml --solver conda --platform linux-64

# use mamba as the solver for osx-64
conda-vendor vendor --file environment.yaml --solver mamba --platform osx-64

# use micromamba as the solver for the host platform
conda-vendor vendor --file environment.yaml --solver micromamba

Use Dry-Run install to verify that conda can solve using only the vendored channel:

# NOTE: ensure to use the same solver used to create the vendored channel
# example channel vendored with mamba: that includes micromamba python and pip
mamba create -n some-new-env --offline --channel ./my-vendored-channel --override-channels --dry-run micromamba python pip