Portfolio: validate contact form
Learning objectives
- You should implement the following interactions:
- When the user changes the content of any input field, the data is saved to the local storage.
- When the user loads the page, if there is any data in the local storage the input fields are pre-filled with this data.
- You should use the following data model:
- You must create a single JavaScript object with all the data from the entire form and save it in local storage. Do not create one local storage entry per input field.
- Deploy your website using GitHub Pages.
- Check the online version of your portfolio and make sure that the page works properly.
- Update the README of your repository to include a link to the online version.
Built With
Getting Started
If you want to visit the deployed app just visit the following link:
If you want a copy of this file go to the github repository and download it
git clone https://github.com/Metsanpeitto/Portfolio_1
After cloning it you can see the project opening the index.html file with your favorite browser ( Firefox for example )
Project requirements
- You need to implement a simple validation:
- The content of the email field has to be in lower case.
- You should implement the following interactions:
- When the user submits the form, you check if the email is in lower case.
- If the validation is OK, the form is sent.
- If the validation is not OK, you show an error message to the user near the submit button informing them of the error and the form is not sent.
👤 Abraham Rodriguez
🤝 Contributing
Contributions, issues, and feature requests are welcome!
Feel free to check the issues page.
Show your support
Give a ⭐️ if you like this project!
- Microverse for giving me this chance
- The amazing code reviewers for making me improve every day :thumbsup: