Metystes / air-vue

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Air Vue

Finding clear path, place for sport activities in polluted cities. Firsty, we use interpolation of air pollution sensors to have estimated air pollution in every place in the city. Then we create alghorithm to find the most clear place near you. Also, we would like to add possibility to set the shortest path to the point with the less air pollution.

Start Date: 20-10-2019

Release Date: ???


More Detailed Description Lorem Ipsum

Directory Structure

├── models  <- compiled model .pkl or HDFS or .pb format
├── config  <- any configuration files
├── data
│   ├── interim <- data in intermediate processing stage
│   ├── processed <- data after all preprocessing has been done
│   └── raw <- original unmodified data acting as source of truth and provenance
├── docs  <- usage documentation or reference papers
├── notebooks <- jupyter notebooks for exploratory analysis and explanation 
├── reports <- generated project artefacts eg. visualisations or tables
│   └── figures
└── src
    ├── data-proc <- scripts for processing data eg. transformations, dataset merges etc. 
    ├── viz  <- scripts for visualisation during EDA, modelling, error analysis etc. 
    ├── modeling    <- scripts for generating models
|--- environment.yml <- file with libraries and library versions for recreating the analysis environment