Mezo / MostWanted

Bounty System For ExileMod.
7 stars 14 forks source link

Most Wanted: An Exile Bounty Mod




  1. Copy MostWanted-SQL.sql into your favorite mySQL viewer's query window and run it.
  2. Confirm you have a bounties table.


  1. PBO MostWanted_Server and place in @ExileServer\addons folder.
  2. Copy the contents of MostWanted-extDB.ini into your @ExileServer\extDB\sql_custom_v2\exile.ini file at the bottom.


  1. Copy MostWanted_Client folder into the root of your exile.MAPNAME mission folder.

  2. In your init.sqf or initPlayerLocal.sqf, add [] execVM "MostWanted_Client\MostWanted_Init.sqf";

  3. In your description.ext, add

        #include "MostWanted_Client\Dialog\MostWantedDefines.hpp"
        #include "MostWanted_Client\Dialog\MostWantedDialog.hpp"
  4. In your config.cpp, add at the top, #include "MostWanted_Client\CfgMostWanted.cpp"

  5. Notifications.hpp and NetworkMessages.hpp both will depend on your set up.

    If you ALREADY have class CfgHints or class CfgNetworkMessages ANYWHERE in your description.ext or config.cpp in your exile.MAPNAME folder:

    Add #include "MostWanted_Client\NetworkMessages.hpp in class CfgNetworkMessages

    Add #include "MostWanted_Client\Notifications.hpp in class CfgHints so it looks kind of like what is below.

    If you don't have class CfgHints or class CfgNetworkMessages, in your config.cpp, add this at the top.

    class CfgHints
        #include "MostWanted_Client\Notifications.hpp"
    class CfgNetworkMessages
        #include "MostWanted_Client\NetworkMessages.hpp"
  6. In config.cpp, inside the class CfgInteractionMenus add:

    class Bounties
        targetType = 2;
        target = "Exile_Trader_Office";
        class Actions
            class MostWanted: ExileAbstractAction
                title = "Most Wanted";
                condition = "true";
                action = "createDialog 'MostWantedDialog';";
  7. In config.cpp, inside the class CfgExileCustomCode add:

    ExileClient_gui_xm8_showPartySlides = "MostWanted_Client\overwrites\ExileClient_gui_xm8_showPartySlides.sqf";
    ExileServer_object_player_createBambi = "MostWanted_Client\overwrites\ExileServer_object_player_createBambi.sqf";
    ExileServer_object_player_database_load = "MostWanted_Client\overwrites\ExileServer_object_player_database_load.sqf";
    ExileServer_object_player_event_onMpKilled = "MostWanted_Client\overwrites\ExileServer_object_player_event_onMpKilled.sqf";
    ExileServer_system_network_event_onPlayerConnected = "MostWanted_Client\overwrites\ExileServer_system_network_event_onPlayerConnected.sqf";
    1. If you already have overwrites for these files, make sure to merge them.
  8. You are done! Head on down to configuration.


Most Wanted has a few configuration options, they are inside MostWanted_Client\CfgMostWanted.hpp, please review these as they control the functionality.

Update to version 1.5 for Exile 0.9.8

  1. PBO MostWanted_Server and replace the one in your @ExileServer\addons\ folder with it.
  2. In your mission folder:
    1. Replace EVERY file in the MostWanted_Client\functions\ folder with the ones from the same folder on the github.
    2. Update the overwrites in MostWanted_Client\overwrites\ folder with the ones from the same folder on the github.
  3. Remove overwrite line for ExileServer_system_network_dispatchIncomingMessage.sqf in config.cpp (Exile has this by default now)
    1. After this, you can delete this file from your mission folder.


A note on exploiting. A lot of time and effort went into making sure exploiting was difficult and a pain in the ass to do with this script. If you find an exploit or notice players finding exploits, DO NOT POST THEM ON THE EXILE FORUMS OR IN THE TOPIC COMMENTS.

To properly report these:

  1. Private message Taylor Swift or WolfkillArcadia
  2. Include, in detail, how to replicate the exploit, providing step by step instructions.
  3. We will look into the proper way, if any, to keep it from happening. ArmA will be ArmA in some cases.