MiSTer-devel / Amstrad_MiSTer

Amstrad CPC 6128 for MiSTer
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Amstrad CPC 6128 for MiSTer

This core has been started as a port of CoreAmstrad by Renaud Hélias but every module has been either rewritten or replaced so, now it can be treated as a completely new core.



Place rbf into root and boot.rom into Games/Amstrad folder of SD card.

Disk support

Put some *.DSK files into Amstrad folder and mount it from OSD menu. important Basic commands:

Boot ROM

Boot ROM has following structure:

OS6128 + BASIC1.1 + AMSDOS + MF2 + OS664 + BASIC664 + AMSDOS + MF2

Every part is 16KB. You can create your own ROM if you have a special preference.

Expansion ROM

Expansion ROM should have file extension .eXX, where XX is hex number 00-FF of ROM page to load. Every page is 16KB. It's possible to load larger ROM. In this case every 16KB block will be loaded in subsequent pages.

Special extensions:


You can load several expansions. With every load the system will reboot. System ROM also can be replaced the same way. To restore original ROM you have to reload the core (Alt-F12).

You can define boot extensions to automatically load at start of core. Use following name rules:

whehe XX is 00-FF, ZZ, Z0.

CDT tape files

CDT supported in very basic form for retro feeling and for some very specific apps. There is no way to rewind or fast forward the file. USER LED will lit if there is a tape in the memory and still have data to play and blink while playback.

Control keys:

CDT playback respects the tape motor ON/OFF state.

For loading a tape you need to type these commands

|TAPE + Enter (switch on tape mode) RUN" + Enter for loading a .CDT file after selected it from OSD menù


CPC664 model has only 64KB RAM - use this model for programs not compatible with 128KB RAM.

CPC6128 model has 64KB+512KB RAM. Upper 448KB are visible in special OS ROM or application aware of 512KB expansion.

Multiface 2