This is a port of HT1080Z MiST core by Jozsef Laszlo to the MiSTer
To learn how to use the TRS-80, this is a quick tutorial:
The TRS-80 with Disk Drives attached will boot to a screen of '@' symbols and will then only continue booting once you place a disk in the drive. To bypass this and boot directly to BASIC to load a cassette game, press Escape immediately after selecting Reset in the OSD menu.
<Then go to the OSD and load a cassette>
[type the first letter of the file you want to load (e or g for the disk images provided)]
/ (to start once loaded)
Just select it in the OSD. Some CMD files won't work if they access disk rom routines and there is no disk in the drive. Sometimes a clean reboot is necessary before loading a CMD.
Only basic Level II programs can be loaded. Load Basic (with or without a DOS) and once at the prompt ">" select a *.bas file from the OSD. Use "LIST" or "RUN" to see and start the program as usual.
There are three main TRS-80 image formats, which are JV1, JV3 and DMK and they all usually share the same DSK extension. This MiSTer Core only supports the JV1 image format with upto 240 tracks, all tracks must currently hold 10 x 256 byte sectors. To check what format a disk is in, and if it is compatible with the core, use the TRSTOOLS utility from Matthew Reed, available from:
The Disk emulation supports reading and writing to JV1 formatted disks, but disks cannot be formatted in the core because there is no Write Track support for JV1 images. There are many different DOS versions for the TRS-80 with popular ones including TRSDOS, NEWDOS/80, LDOS and MULTIDOS. For beginners it is recommended you use TRSDOS which is the original DOS produced by Radio Shack. Instructions for using TRSDOS can be found in the following Wikipedia article:
Debug status line
Special ports (i.e. Z-80 "OUT"/"IN" commands) have been added as follows:
Memory-mapped cassette:
Holmes Sprinter Interface
Special memory mapped ports have been added as follows: