MiSTer-devel / ZX-Spectrum_MISTer

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[Feature request] Stereo modes for AY #45

Open Bricabrac-Spam opened 10 months ago

Bricabrac-Spam commented 10 months ago


I would like to kindly ask to implement a feature in the core which would allow to switch stereo mode between ABC and ACB. This is because most of the demos for Pentagon seem to be made with ACB in mind whilst the core appears to be ABC.

Additionallly, if it was possible to have both AY and YM chips implemented (I don't know which one is now) and option to switch between them, that would make the core basically feature complete over already a great thing.

Many thanks in advance.

sorgelig commented 10 months ago

I didn't understand about YM. YM2303 is implemented already

Bricabrac-Spam commented 10 months ago


sorry for this. What I meant is the ability to choose which version of AY-like chip is in use for playing music, i.e. AY-3-8910 or YM2149.

Currently, it is not clear which chip is implemented in the core but my assumption so far has been it is rather AY as this one was used in ZX Spectrum 128K/+2/+3. However, the AY-like addons to ZX 48K but also Pentagons could have either AY or YM chips inside. I have read from Speccy musicans that there is a slight difference in sounding between two chips and if a given track was composed on YM based machine then it should be listened on YM chip, and if AY then AY. Readmes of some demos explicitely state which chip should be used for proper experience. And this in short is the reason it would be awesome to have an option to choose although I fully understand some may see it as some sort of fanaberie.

sorgelig commented 10 months ago

Actually module supports both AY8910 and YM2149, but YM2149 is always selected. When i was assembling Pentagon back in 90x, YM2149 was more popular due to smoother audio and no one wanted to switch to AY8910.. Anyway, i will add an option.

Bricabrac-Spam commented 10 months ago

Thank you very much for doing this :) It will be great to have an option. And good to know it is actually YM2149 which is curently always on.

sorgelig commented 10 months ago

You can try unstable build. Options are there. However i'm not sure if i want to increase border size just for one demo.

Bricabrac-Spam commented 10 months ago

Whoa, that was quick :) Thank you so much for adding those options, your time and effort. Very much appreciated. I will try it as soon as I figure out how to get unstable build.

Regarding the border size I will comment on that under the other ticket to keep everything in one place.

Bricabrac-Spam commented 9 months ago

I have finally managed to find the unstable build and had time to test it and must say it works like a charm. Both options have noticable effect on the sound and can make night and day difference depending on the demo.

Once again many thanks for implementing those options. Please add this to the main distribution and feel free to close the ticket.