MiSTer-devel / ZX-Spectrum_MISTer

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ZX Spectrum for MiSTer Platform

Some verilog models from Till Harbaum Spectrum core were used in this project.



Copy the *.rbf to the root folder, copy boot.rom to games/Spectrum/ on the SD card.

Notes about supported formats:

TRD is TR-DOS image used with Beta Disk Interface (BDI). To use TR-DOS you need to choose TRD image in OSD first. In 128K mode use menu to enter TR-DOS. In 48K mode use command RANDOMIZE USR 15616 to enter TR-DOS. In +3 mode, enter to 48K mode from the +3 BASIC via the USR0 command, then issue RANDOMIZE USR 15616. Use command RETURN to leave TR-DOS.

Note: Not all TRD have autostart and it's cumbersome way to enter TR-DOS from 48K mode, there is GLUK ROM included. So insert TRD/SCL dosk and press F11, you will enter to GLUK menu, then choose GLUK BOOT where you can select the file to boot. That's all.

IMG is G+DOS image used with +D Disk interface. Although it's fully supported, i couldn't find any games on such disks. The main purpose of these images is to use snapshot function of +D and Multiface.

MGT is G+DOS and MasterDOS (SAM Coupe) image. It's similar to IMG but uses different layout. The main purpose is to transfer data to/from SAM Coupe.

DSK +3 disk format. In none- +3 modes, +D tries to mount it, however +3 disk images are not compatible with G+DOS. The original +3 disk drive is a single-sided single-destiny drive, but this core supports double-sided double-destiny images, too. An empty DSDD image is great for saving from Multiface. Note: in +3 mode, both the Beta and the +3 disk drive are supported, but only one image can be mounted, so both cannot be used at the same time.

TAP is simple tape dump format. It is possible to use normal and turbo loading (only if application uses standard loading routines from ROM). To load in turbo mode, you need to choose TAP file in OSD first and then start to load app through menu (128K) or by command LOAD "" (48K, 128K). To load TAP file in normal mode through internal AUDIO IN loop, you need to start loading through menu or command first and then choose TAP file though OSD. If application uses non-standard loader, then TAP file will be played in normal mode automatically. Thus it's safe to always choose the turbo mode. Some applications are split into several parts inside one TAP file. For example DEMO apps where each part is loaded after finish of previous part, or games loading levels by requests. The core pauses the TAP playback after each code part (flag=#255). If application uses standard loader from ROM, then everything will be handled automatically and unnoticeable. If app uses non-standard loader, then there is no way to detect the loading. In this case you need to press F1 key to continue/pause TAP playback. Do not press F1 key while data is loading (or you will have to reset and start from beginning). To help operate with TAP (for non-standard loaders) there is special yellow LED signaling:

In normal mode, while TAP loading, the following keys can be used:

If game uses non-standard loader, then loading usually paused after loading of first part. Press F1 to continue loading.

OSD option Fast tape load increases CPU frequency to 56MHz while tape loading.

Use F10 key to switch into 48K basic (won't lock 48K mode) and automatically enter LOAD "" if game/app doesn't load from 128K menu.

Turbo modes

You can control CPU speed by following keys:

Due to SDRAM speed limitation 28MHz and 56MHz speeds include wait states, so effective CPU speed is lower than nominal.

Memory Configurations with extra RAM:

Mouse and Joystick:

Kempston mouse has no strict convention which bit (D0 or D1) reflects a main button. After each reset, the first button pressed on mouse (left or right buttons only) will be represented by bit D0 (other button will be represented by bit D1). So, if you are not satisfied by mouse button map, then simply press reset and then press other button first. Due to port conflict with Kempston joystick, core uses autodetection. Any mouse activity will switch port to mouse control. Any joystick activity will switch port to joystick control. Some games/apps autodetect the mouse. So, move the mouse or click its button before use such games/apps.


Core supports snapshot functionality of +D. In order to use it, you need to mount IMG or MGT image. ROM includes preloaded G+DOS image, thus you can mount IMG/MGT at any time (even while playing the game). Note #1: preloaded G+DOS has been patched to allow disk change on-the-fly. So, if you will load G+DOS from disk, then be careful - it may corrupt previous saves if you will change the disk! Note #2: only one disk image can be mounted at any time. Thus make sure if you use game from TRD image, the game won't save anything later to its disk.

To save snapshot using +D (preferred way), press F11 key. You will see stripes on border and game will freeze. You can press following keys:

To load snapshot, just mount IMG/MGT and go to basic prompt where type CAT 1 to list its content. Note the number of snapshot file. Then type LOAD pX where X is the number of shapshot file. For other disk commands please find and read G+DOS (MGT +D) manual.

Multiface 128 and Multiface 3:

You can enter Multiface ROM using RShift+F11. Multiface 128 includes preloaded debugger (Genie) where you can trace or modify the game. If you prefer to use bare Multiface 128 ROM then do following procedure: Press and hold ESC, then press RShift+F11. You will be able to use bare Multiface ROM by simple subsequent presses of RShift+F11 till core reload. Multiface provides snapshot functionality by saving to IMG/MGT disks. Please find and read Multiface 128 manual. Note: Multiface 128 expose its port, thus if game has protection against Multiface, it won't work, unless you press (o)ff before you exit from the Multiface menu. Thus using +D snapshot is prefered. When using the Spectrum +2A/3 mode, the Multiface 3 is supported. There's no Genie for the +3, but there are useful toolkit routines in the stock ROM.


Supported both VHD images and secondary SD card. Default auto mode makes DivMMC hidden til VHD image gets selected. You have to get ESXDOS package, rename ESXMMC.BIN to boot1.rom and place to games/Spectrum/ Make sure boot1.rom and files inside VHD (or SD card) are from the same ESXDOS version.

Special Keys:

Quick switch between models:

Download precompiled binaries and system ROMs:

Go to releases folder.

boot.rom Structure

boot.rom is a collection of required ROMs, however it does not contain a full set of ROMs for each supported machine and/or hardware, it only includes the necessary subset.

N Base Offset (Hex) Chunk Size (Hex) SHA1 Of the Original Description
1 00000 4000 5f40f5af51c4c1e9083eac095349d7518545b0e0 glukpen.rom Mr Gluk Boot Service version 6.61
2 04000 4000 ??? (doesn't match known 5.04t or 5.04t-bugfixed) TR-DOS 5.04T
3 08000 4000 d07fcdeca892ee80494d286ea9ea5bf3928a1aca 128p-0.rom (128K editor and menu), the first half of the Pentagon 128 ROM
4 0C000 4000 80080644289ed93d71a1103992a154cc9802b2fa 128-1.rom English 128 ROM 1 (48K BASIC)
5 10000 4000 62ec15a4af56cd1d206d0bd7011eac7c889a595d plus3-4.1-english-0.rom English +2B/+3B v4.1 ROM 0 (128K editor)
6 14000 4000 1a7812c383a3701e90e88d1da086efb0c033ac72 plus3-4.1-english-1.rom English +2B/+3B v4.1 ROM 1 (128K syntax checker)
7 18000 4000 8df145d10ff78f98138682ea15ebccb2874bf759 plus3-4.1-english-2.rom English +2B/+3B v4.1 ROM 2 (+3DOS)
8 1C000 4000 be365f331942ec7ec35456b641dac56a0dbfe1f0 plus3-4.1-english-3.rom English +2B/+3B v4.1 ROM 3 (48K BASIC)
9 20000 2000 6b841dc5797ef7eb219ad455cd1e434ca3b9d30d plusd-1.A.rom MGT's +D disk interface ROM v1.A
10 22000 2000 CUSTOM plusd-sys.bin MODIFIED version of the +D system code, based on the chunk CONFIG2 from "Plus D System Tape"
11 24000 2000 8df204ab490b87c389971ce0c7fb5f9cbd281f14 mf128-87.2.rom (CRC32: 78ec8cfd) Miltuface 128 (87.2)
12 26000 2000 926425b3e84180683f0872aee9ebf6f4b9dfaf5f genie128-2.rom GENIE 128K V2.1, the second half of the Genie 128 Disassembler ROM
13 28000 2000 5d74d2e2e5a537639da92ff120f8a6d86f474495 mf3-3.C.rom (CRC32: 2d594640) Multiface 3 (3.C)
14 2A000 2000 N/A zeroes.bin unused 8K, padding for the MF3 ROM to fill remaining space in 16K block
15 2C000 4000 5ea7c2b824672e914525d1d5c419d71b84a426a2 48.rom BASIC for 16/48K models