MiSchroe / ioBroker.klf200

Adapter for ioBroker to connect to a KLF200 interface and run scenes and products.
MIT License
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new Datapoint "open/close" #61

Closed DcFamas closed 2 years ago

DcFamas commented 3 years ago

Hey Michael, is it possible that you implement a datapoint like the "stop" action for "open" and "close"? So that when you send true to the datapoint "open" the blind will get the 100% and open?

Thank you and best regards! :) DcFamas

MiSchroe commented 3 years ago

I would like to keep the interface as less specific as possible. The KLF200 supports all kind of devices, therefore "open" and "close" would work for windows and blinds, but not for lights, fans, etc.

If you need that specific functionality, you could use the script adapter (it should be possible with Blockly) to mimic that functionality or you could use a very basic NodeRED flow for it.

Currently, I don't see the difference in setting a value to 100% or 0% in comparison to setting a value to true.

What is your specific use case that can't be done with the current implementation?

DcFamas commented 3 years ago

Hey Michael, thanks for the lightspeedlike answer. :)

I know that I could realise this case with an script or in node-red. In my case I had an conversation with another developer. He told me that adapter in ioBroker use a standardized value of objects. For example the shelly adapter uses boolean to turn lights on and off. The mqtt api from shelly only supports "on" and "off" strings. So the developer there changed the on/off values to boolean that it fits in the ioBroker environment.

I have to use the objects in iQontrol. It would be easier to work with boolean, because this developer uses true/false for open and close.

My thought was just a suggestion, I can understand that you want to keep the api by velux clean. Isn't there an option to recognize that the product is a blind/window and add the additional datapoints?

Btw. I'm really grateful for the adapter. For about an year it is working like a charm for me. :)

MiSchroe commented 3 years ago

So, what would be the expected behaviour?

I guess:

DcFamas commented 3 years ago

Hey Michael, it would be:

I think for the most participants it is enough to have these datapoints.

Here is a screenshot of the shelly datapoints: grafik

Best regards! :)

MiSchroe commented 2 years ago

Can be implemented using alias in ioBroker.