Michael-Beukman / RobocupGym

Reinforcement Learning inside a 3D soccer simulation
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🤖 ⚽ 🏋️ Robocup Gym

How it WorksGet StartedTrainingIntegrationDocs

This is a project for training low-level RL skills in the Robocup 3D simulation league. Integrated with stable-baselines, and providing Gymnasium-compliant environments, Robocup Gym allows you to easily train RL agents for robotic soccer-based tasks.

Table of Contents - [🤖 ⚽ 🏋️ Robocup Gym](#--️-robocup-gym) - [⬇️ Installation](#️-installation) - [1. Singularity/Apptainer](#1-singularityapptainer) - [2. Container](#2-container) - [3. Python Environment](#3-python-environment) - [4. Testing the configuration](#4-testing-the-configuration) - [📜 Usage - Running Current Tasks](#-usage---running-current-tasks) - [➕ Usage - Your Own Tasks](#-usage---your-own-tasks) - [1. Create a task, i.e., a particular environment that has a reward function](#1-create-a-task-ie-a-particular-environment-that-has-a-reward-function) - [2. Create a main, runner file](#2-create-a-main-runner-file) - [3. Run the code](#3-run-the-code) - [4. Viewing your models during training](#4-viewing-your-models-during-training) - [5. Evaluating your trained policy](#5-evaluating-your-trained-policy) - [🤓 How it works](#-how-it-works) - [BaseEnv](#baseenv) - [DirectServerConnection](#directserverconnection) - [RCSSServer3D](#rcssserver3d) - [BaseRLLoop](#baserlloop) - [📖 Docs](#-docs) - [robocup\_gym/envs/base\_env.py](#robocup_gymenvsbase_envpy) - [robocup\_gym/envs/configs/env\_config.py](#robocup_gymenvsconfigsenv_configpy) - [robocup\_gym/infra/player.py](#robocup_gyminfraplayerpy) - [robocup\_gym/infra/raw/direct\_server\_connection.py](#robocup_gyminfrarawdirect_server_connectionpy) - [🔎 Tips And Tricks](#-tips-and-tricks) - [📚 Other Projects Used \& Inspiration](#-other-projects-used--inspiration) - [👷 Contribution](#-contribution) - [📜 Citation](#-citation)

⬇️ Installation

1. Singularity/Apptainer

First install singularity (aka apptainer); on ubuntu you can follow the instructions here.

2. Container

Download the zip file here, extract it and put the apptainer folder in the robocup_gym directory.

3. Python Environment

conda create -n robocup python=3.11 

conda activate robocup

pip install -r requirements.txt

# Alternatively, install: pip install gymnasium wandb tensorboard tensorboardX numpy matplotlib pandas stable-baselines3 torch torchvision torchaudio onnx natsorted

[!NOTE] We also use wandb to log aspects of training. Run wandb login to log in before running any training.

Also, Use ./run.sh from the repository root directory to run any files instead of python directly

4. Testing the configuration

To test if the configuration is properly set up, run the following:

./run.sh robocup_gym/test/test_configs/is_rcssserver_working.py

If you see [Success], RCSSServer Started Successfully, it is working.

./run.sh robocup_gym/test/test_configs/is_environment_working.py

If you see [Success] The environment seems to work, then everything should be working.

📜 Usage - Running Current Tasks

We have a few pre-made tasks already set up. If you want to use these, the process is quite simple. Simply run the following to start a PPO agent on a simple kick task. You can modify this file as you wish to alter the behaviour, change hyperparameters, and so on.

./run.sh robocup_gym/experiments/v0001_ppo.py

➕ Usage - Your Own Tasks

To use the code to run your own tasks, you need to do the following:

1. Create a task, i.e., a particular environment that has a reward function

For instance, create a file robocup_gym/envs/tasks/env_simple_kick.py with the following code:

from robocup_gym.rl.envs.base_env import BaseEnv
import numpy as np

class EnvSimpleKick(BaseEnv):
    def _get_reward(self, action: np.ndarray) -> float:
        return np.linalg.norm(np.array(self.python_agent_conn.player.real_ball_pos) - np.array(self.env_config.ball_start_pos))

2. Create a main, runner file

For instance, paste the following code in robocup_gym/experiments/hello_world.py

import os
import time
from robocup_gym.rl.envs.configs.default import DefaultConfig
from robocup_gym.rl.base_rl_loop import run_experiment
from robocup_gym.rl.envs.tasks.env_simple_kick import EnvSimpleKick

def main():
    os.system("killall -9 rcssserver3d")
    run_experiment('a000000', EnvSimpleKick, env_kwargs={'env_config':DefaultConfig})

if __name__ == '__main__':

3. Run the code

Run the following command:

./run.sh robocup_gym/experiments/hello_world.py

Then you should have a model training now!

4. Viewing your models during training

We use RoboViz to visualise policies. Please download and build that before continuing. You can run the visualiser ./roboviz.sh to view the models during training. Note, our monitor ports start at 20001, so you may need to run ./roboviz.sh --serverPort=20001 to actually see the training.

[!TIP] If you are training on a remote machine, you must set up an ssh tunnel (in a separate terminal) ssh <user>@<host> -NL 20001:localhost:20001

5. Evaluating your trained policy

To evaluate a trained policy, look at robocup_gym/rl/eval/eval.py. You can run it as follows.

./run.sh robocup_gym/rl/eval/eval.py <checkpoint_id>

where <checkpoint_id> is the first argument to run_experiment. You can run ls save_models to see which ID's are available. By default this file will evaluate the latest checkpoint.

Note that the evaluation environment exposes the visualisation on port 20500.

🤓 How it works

Diagram of Robocup

Lots more details here if you are interested! ### BaseEnv `robocup_gym/envs/base_env.py` This is what the Python RL agent (e.g. Stable Baselines PPO) interacts with, and it follows the [gymnasium specification](https://gymnasium.farama.org). This class also starts the `rcssserver3d` binary. ### DirectServerConnection `robocup_gym/infra/raw/direct_server_connection.py` This is the primary method of interacting with the server, exposed in several methods, such as `send_message`, and `receive_message`. This class also has a `Player` member, which can be used to obtain several different informative features about the agent, such as its joint positions, etc. This information can be useful in calculating a reward. ### RCSSServer3D This is the standard server that sends and receives messages. We put it in sync mode, meaning that it blocks until it receives a message from the agent. ### BaseRLLoop `robocup_gym/rl/base_rl_loop.py` This file provides an easy-to-use runner, that creates the environment, sets up logging and SB3, and runs the code.

📖 Docs

Docs here, or click here The following classes/files are the most important ones. You would not need to change these at all to just use the library, but knowing how they work is important to understand how to use the library. ### robocup_gym/envs/base_env.py This is the main Environment class that all tasks must inherit from. It follows the [standard gymnasium API](https://gymnasium.farama.org/). It also starts the RCSSServer3D processes upon construction. ### robocup_gym/envs/configs/env_config.py This is the way you configure the environment. This class, for instance, contains defines aspects such as: - The observation space; i.e., what information the agent can see. - The action space; i.e., what joints the agent can alter, and what form the actions take. - The initial position of the ball and the agent. - Several other options, such as the number of steps per episode, how many frames should be stacked, and whether observations should be normalised. We have provided a default configuration in `robocup_gym/envs/configs/default.py`. Generally, we recommend doing the following in an experiment: ```python from robocup_gym.rl.envs.configs.default import create_good_minimal_config conf = create_good_minimal_config(timesteps=40, clip_value=1, norm_mode='min_max_analytic', noise_a=0.0, noise_o=0.0) # Can make any additional changes here conf.options.max_number_of_timesteps = 50 # etc. run_experiment('', , env_kwargs={'env_config':conf}) ``` ### robocup_gym/infra/player.py This class contains information about the agent, such as its joint positions, etc. This information can be useful in calculating an appropriate reward. In an environment class, one can access it using as follows: ```python player: Player = self.python_agent_conn.player # Now we can access properties such as player.rightShoulderYaw, etc. ``` See the class for more information about which fields are accessible. ### robocup_gym/infra/raw/direct_server_connection.py This class is the main interface between the Python code and the server.

🔎 Tips And Tricks

To actually get good RL behaviour: I would suggest using a config similar to the one in `robocup_gym/experiments/v0001_ppo.py` (click to show). ```python import fire from stable_baselines3 import PPO from stable_baselines3.common.vec_env import SubprocVecEnv from robocup_gym.rl.envs.tasks.arm_up import EnvArmUp from robocup_gym.rl.envs.tasks.benchmark.simple_kick import EnvSimpleKick from robocup_gym.rl.envs.tasks.benchmark.velocity_kick import KickVelocityReward from robocup_gym.infra.utils import do_all_seeding, killall from robocup_gym.rl.envs.configs.default import create_good_minimal_config from robocup_gym.rl.base_rl_loop import run_experiment def main( agent_type: int = 0, seed: int = 0, env_name="SimpleKick", timesteps: int = 40, # How long to train for n_env_steps_total: int = 5_000_000, # PPO Environment hyperparameters; these work reasonably well on a 128 core machine n_env_procs: int = 16, batch_size: int = 128, n_steps: int = 64, gamma: float = 0.99, gae_lambda: float = 0.95, n_epochs: int = 10, ent_coef: float = 0.0, lr: float = 1e-4, net_depth: int = 2, net_width: int = 256, use_sde: bool = True, clip_value: float = 1, # How to normalise the observations; this one works decently well. norm_mode="min_max_analytic", # How long to wait after termination but before computing the reward (e.g., for the ball to stop moving) wait_steps: int = 20, # How long to wait before starting the environment; using 128 cores, 20 or so seconds is good. sleep_time_after_starts: int = 20, # An extra string to add to the experiment name extra: str = "A", # Action and observation noise noise_a: float = 0.0, noise_o: float = 0.0, ): # Kill all possibly running rcssserver3d processes, and seed numpy/torch. killall() do_all_seeding(seed) # Create the env config conf = create_good_minimal_config(timesteps, clip_value, norm_mode, noise_a, noise_o) # Experiment name s = f"t{agent_type}_lr{lr}_env{env_name}_{clip_value}_{norm_mode}_ts{timesteps}_ws{wait_steps}_ec{ent_coef}_sd{use_sde}_ns{n_steps}_np{n_env_procs}" SSS = "v0002_ppo" group_name = f"{SSS}_{s}" name = f"{SSS}_s{seed}_{extra}_{s}" env_classes = { "SimpleKick": EnvSimpleKick, "ArmUp": EnvArmUp, "VelocityKick": KickVelocityReward, } assert env_name in env_classes, f"Unknown env_name: {env_name}, expected one of {env_classes.keys()}" env_cls = env_classes[env_name] env_kwargs = { "env_config": conf, "sleep_time_after_proc_starts": sleep_time_after_starts, "wait_steps": wait_steps, "agent_type": agent_type, } agent_kwargs=dict( batch_size=batch_size, n_steps=n_steps, gamma=gamma, gae_lambda=gae_lambda, n_epochs=n_epochs, ent_coef=ent_coef, learning_rate=lr, policy_kwargs=dict(net_arch=[net_width] * net_depth), use_sde=use_sde, clip_range_vf=1.0, ), ```

📚 Other Projects Used & Inspiration

👷 Contribution

We welcome community contributions. To contribute, please first install everything as follows:

git clone https://github.com/MichaelBeukman/RobocupGym3D
cd RobocupGym3D
pip install -r requirements.txt
pre-commit install

Make the change and submit a PR!

📜 Citation

Developed by the RAIL lab at the University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, South Africa.

If you use Robocup Gym in your project, please cite it as:

  author={Beukman, Michael and Ingram, Branden and Nangue Tasse, Geraud and Rosman, Benjamin and Ranchod, Pravesh},
  title        = {RobocupGym: A challenging continuous control benchmark in Robocup},
  year         = {2024},
  url          = {https://github.com/Michael-Beukman/RobocupGym_Private},
  note         = {GitHub repository}

  title={RobocupGym: A challenging continuous control benchmark in Robocup},
  author={Beukman, Michael and Ingram, Branden and Nangue Tasse, Geraud and Rosman, Benjamin and Ranchod, Pravesh},