A simple blog for documenting my thoughts and experiments.
This blog uses the Hugo static site generator. You'll need to install it before anything else.
During development you'll want to use the dev server to see changes the moment they're made.
hugo server --buildDrafts --buildExpired --buildFuture
This should start a HTTP server on http://localhost:1313/ that serves the site, recompiling on every change.
You can customise whether a page should receive the "I've written a long article but you don't need to read it all in one hit, here's a table of contents" message.
The logic goes something like this:
def should_show_toc():
if "toc" in frontMatter:
return frontMatter["toc"]
return page.readingTime > Site.Params.toc_reading_time_threshold
The real site is published to GitHub Pages on every commit to the master
This should all be handled by GitHub Actions automatically.