MichaelMakesGames / stellarmaps

Stylized maps from Stellaris saves
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O.exe closing right after being opened #5

Closed GeoCass closed 4 months ago

GeoCass commented 4 months ago

Hi! I'm having a bit of problem with the .exe. Right after I opened the program, it closes automatically (it starts to open and already closes). You have any clue of what is causing that? I've already tried the compatibility mode

MichaelMakesGames commented 4 months ago

What's your operating system and version? If you run the exe in the command prompt, what is the output?

GeoCass commented 4 months ago

Windows 10, V 22H2.

I have the same issue if I run with the command prompt :c . A new window open and instantly closes

MichaelMakesGames commented 4 months ago

Are any errors printed in the command prompt?

GeoCass commented 4 months ago

Nops, nothing at all

MichaelMakesGames commented 4 months ago

Well, that's not helpful. Not sure what's going one. You can try the .msi installer instead

GeoCass commented 4 months ago

And out of the blue, it opened, and I changed nothing... But victory, I guess haha

Thanks for the patience

MichaelMakesGames commented 4 months ago

Huzzah! 🎉 Glad to hear it