MichaelMakesGames / stellarmaps

Stylized maps from Stellaris saves
38 stars 0 forks source link

Stylized and customizable Stellaris maps

Download the latest release here.

Example map



Known Issues


Special thanks to the translators:

The app icon is Orbital by Lorc, licensed under CC BY 3.0.

Map icons are made by me. Basic shapes are released to the public domain, but others (Wormhole, Gateway, L-Gate, etc) are based on icons from the game Stellaris, and should not be used other than for tools or mods for the game.

The Discord icon is from https://discord.com/branding.

The GitHub icon is from https://github.com/logos.

Other interface icons from Heroicons, licensed under the MIT license.

Local Development

Follow the tauri prerequisites guide. Install a recent version of Node.js. Then, in the root directory, run npm run dev.


There is an Electron version available for local development. Some changes to the package.json are required. You can run electron-on.sh to make those changes, then run npm run dev. When you are finished, run electron-off.sh to revert the changes to package.json.

This exists mostly for debugging in Chromium. The release builds all use Tauri. Currently, the Electron version lacks the following features: