A coverage-guided fuzz tester for Dart.
inspired by libFuzzer and AFL etc.
Simply write a dart program with a main
function, and use the first argument
as your input:
void main(List<String> args) {
final input = args[0];
/* use input */
The fuzz tester will look for crashes and report the failure output by randomly generating strings, passing them to your program, and adapting them in search of new code paths to maximize the exploration of your code for bugs. You can fuzz for all kinds of properties in your code by throwing exceptions when you wish.
To fuzz your script, simply run:
pub global activate dust
pub global run dust path/to/script.dart
Note: it is highly recommended to snapshot your script before running for better performance.
There are some special options you can see with pub global run dust --help
configure how exactly the fuzzer runs.
By default, when you run dust
on some script.dart
, it will create a
directory named script.dart.corpus
that contains interesting fuzz samples used
to explore your program (this is how coverage-guided fuzzing works). This means
you can stop fuzzing your program and restart without losing progress.
You can specify manual seeds in one of two ways. You can either pass in seeds
on the command-line, ie, --seed foo --seed bar
, or you can pass in a seed
directory (which may function much like a unit test directory) with
If you do not specify manual seeds, the corpus begins as a single seed that is
the empty string ""
When manually specifying seeds, they will only be added to the corpus if the coverage tool finds them interesting. Once interesting cases have been added to the corpus, you don't need to pass in those seeds again until your program perhaps changes in a meaningful way.
A corpus can be reduced using manual seeding, by simply providing the flags
--seed_dir=old.corpus --corpus_dir=new.corpus
. Optionally you may provide
--count 0
to stop when the minimization is done.
You can also merge two corpuses by simply manually seeding one corpus into
another, ie, --seed_dir=corpus1 --corpus-dir=corpus2
You can simplify failing or non failing cases according to a simple character deletion search, and custom constraints. These constraints affect which simplifications are considered valid.
pub global run dust simplify path/to/script.dart input
There are useful constraints which default to off such as that no new paths are executed by the simplification, or that the error output from the case does not change.
By default, it is assumed you are simplifying a failure, and
is therefore on by default. However, it may be disabled
to simplify non-failing cases as well.
The default mutators will add, remove, or flip a random character in your seeds in attempt to search for new seeds. To specify custom behavior, you can write a script that can be spawned as an isolate by the main process:
import 'dart:isolate';
import 'package:dust/custom_mutator_helper.dart';
main(args, SendPort sendPort) => customMutatorHelper(sendPort, (str) {
return ...; // mutate the string
To use this script, provide the flag --mutator_script=script.dart
By default, each mutator (including the three default ones) have equal
probability. However, you may set a weight on custom scripts by appending a :
and then a double value, ie, --mutator_script=script.dart:2.0
. The default
mutators each have a weight of 1.0
, and may be disabled entirely by passing
Fuzz testing is often an excellent supplemental testing tool to add to programs where you need high stability.
The problem with black box fuzz testing is that the odds of striking a bad input are often easily demonstrably exceedingly low. Take this code:
if (x == 0) {
if (y == 1) {
if (z == 2) {
throw "bet your fuzzer won't catch this!");
If x, y, and z are randomly chosen numbers, there is only a 1 in 2^32^3 chance of randomly getting through this code path.
This was first solved by inventing "white box" fuzz testing, which reads input code and uses it to generate constraints that it solves to generate test cases. This however is very challenging to do in a way that gives high coverage, as many constraints are hard to solve, and it usually involves code generation which is likely to be extremely complex.
White box fuzz testing was successful enough, however, to prompt the invention of grey box fuzz testing.
Grey box fuzz testing combines black box fuzz testing with code coverage instrumentation to guide the creation of a corpus of distinctly interesting fuzz cases. Those fuzz cases are then seeds to create new cases, and if those new cases provoke new code paths then they are added to the pool.
Going back to our code example, the first fuzz case to pass the first check
(x == 0
) will be saved and mutated until a case is found which also passes the
second check, and so forth. While the odds of choosing the magical values 0, 1,
and 2 may still be low, the chance of choosing all three together are greatly
increased, and no special knowledge of the codes working is required. We only
need to check code coverage of test cases.
We can do this in dart, too, using the VM service protocol.
The fuzzer works like so: