MichaelRiss / FTSPlot

fast time series visualization
GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1
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FTSPlot is a tool for efficiently visualizing large datasets as they are common in Electrophysiology/Neuroscience. You can find the corresponding paper with the description of the algorithm here:

Riss, M. (2014) FTSPlot: Fast Time Series Visualization for Large Datasets. PLoS ONE 9(4): e94694. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0094694

When using this software in your projects please reference this paper in your publications.

System requirements


The installation is based on the cmake configuration utility.

Short tutorial on visualizing timeseries datasets


Before visualizing a timeseries dataset in "FTSPlot" the dataset needs to be prepared. This is done with the program "FTSPrep". As the preparation of big timeseries datasets can take quite some time, the program is separated from the main program and can process several datafiles in batch mode.
Please note that currently only single channel, native endian, double valued datasets are supported.
Select the desired reduction factor, 64 is the recommended default. Add one or several datasets to the list and then press "Start". In case the process needs to be stopped a resume file can be saved so that the preparation process resumes at that point the next time. The preparation process generates several additional files alongside the original dataset. The reduced datasets carry number suffixes, the configuration file for the dataset carries the *.cfg suffix. It is used to open the dataset in FTSPlot.


After starting the program the main window with the plotting area appears. Open the module manager by clicking on the "Menu" button. In the module manager click on the "Add TimeSeries" button and select the previously generated *.cfg file. You should now see the timeseries dataset in the plot area of the main window. The following navigation controls are available:

Detailed Explanation of the Controls

Main Window

The main window contains the plotting area. With the "Menu" button the module manager window can be toggled on or off. By closing the main window the program terminates.

Plotting area controls

If an EventList or IntervalList module is active the SHIFT key directs the following mouse clicks to the active module:

Module Manager

In the module manager window visualization modules can be added, deleted and manipulated. On the left side there are buttons for adding timeseries, eventlist and intervallist modules. The modules appear in the list to the right. To delete a module, select it in the list and press "Delete Module" on the left side. The plotting order of the modulues in the list can be changed by selecting a module and changing its position in the list with the "Up"/"Down" buttons. The checkbox in the "Graph" column toggles the visibility of the module in the plotting area. With a double click on the "Color" field of a module a new color can be assigned to the visualization module. The "Name" field contains an identification of the module. Changes to the name field are only temporary and do not get saved. EventList and IntervalList modules have two further options available: The "GUI" checkbox toggles the extra control panel of the corresponding visualization module. The "Edit Active" radio button selects the module that receives editing input from the plot area of the main window.

Event Editor

Use "Open EventList" to open either an existing event list directory or to create a new one. For creating a new one, use the file browser to create a new directory and then select it. A new Eventlist data structure will be created in the directory.
"Close EventList" is closing the EventList data structure.


With "Import Flat File" and "Export Flat File" the EventList data structure can be loaded and saved into a single bulk file. This is useful for processing event lists in other programs and scripts.
The events in the bulk file are saved as a series of ascendingly ordered binary unsigned 64 bit native endian integer values. Each integer value represents the sample position of an event.
With "Add Event at" a new event can be added at the given sample position.

Plot area editing

The three radio buttons "Add Event", "Select Event" and "Delete Event" in the lower left area control the way mouse input in the plot area in the main window is interpreted. With "Add Event" a SHIFT + mouse click in the plot area adds a new event to the event list. With "Delete Event" events in the plot area can be deleted by SHIFT+clicking on them. "Select Event" lets you choose a new current event by SHIFT+clicking it.

Current Event Controls

As long as there is at least one event in the event list the event editor keeps track of the current event. It can be selected with the mouse in the plot area by using "Select Event". In the Finetuning area it can be moved up/down with the "+"/"-" buttons or deleted ("Delete"). With the buttons "Previous Event" and "Next Event" the current event is set to the previous or next event in the event list. If the "Track in View" checkbox is marked the plot area is centered onto the new current event location, this is useful for quickly inspecting an event list.

Interval Editor

The Interval Editor control panel is analogous to the Event Editor panel. Use "Open IntervalList" to open/create a new IntervalList. "Close IntervalList" to close and disconnect from the current Interval List data structure.
"Import Flat File" and "Export Flat File" reads from or creates a flat bulk file.
The flat file consists of pairs of binary unsigned 64bit native endian integer values. In "C-code":

typedef struct
    unsigned long begin;
    unsigned long end;
} interval;

The first value (begin) marks the sample number of the beginning of the interval the second value the end of the interval. "begin" needs to be smaller or equal to "end" (begin <= end).
The intervals within the flat file have to be ordered ascendingly. The order is defined in "C-code" as follows:

bool lessThan( interval v1, interval v2 )
    if( v1.begin != v2.begin )
      return v1.begin < v2.begin;
      return v1.end < v2.end;

As long as the "begin" values differ the order is equal to the order on the "begin" values. Only if the "begin" values are identical the order is based on the "end" values.
With "Add Interval at" and the two fields on top a new interval can be added at the given sample position.

Plot area editing

The three radio buttons "Add Interval", "Select Interval" and "Delete Interval" in the lower left area control the way mouse input in the plot area in the main window is interpreted. With "Add Interval" two SHIFT + mouse clicks in the plot area add a new interval to the interval list. With "Delete Interval" intervals in the plot area can be deleted by SHIFT+clicking on them. "Select Interval" lets you choose a new current interval by SHIFT+clicking it.

Current Interval Controls

As long as there is at least one interval in the interval list the interval editor keeps track of the current interval. It can be selected with the mouse in the plot area by using "Select Interval". In the Finetuning area the beginning and the end can be moved up/down with the "+"/"-" buttons or deleted ("Delete Current Interval"). With the buttons "Previous Interval" and "Next Interval" the current interval is set to the previous or next interval in the interval list. If the "Track in View" checkbox is marked the plot area is centered onto the new current interval location, this is useful for quickly inspecting an interval list. If "Fit Scale" is selected the zoom factor gets also adapted to the new current interval.


The "runTests" binary comprises a rudimentary test suite for the FTSPlot library. While being far from exhaustive these basic tests should pass on any platform.


"FTSPlotBench" is a tool to run benchmarks. Three different types of benchmarks can be selected: Timeseries, EventEditor or IntervalEditor benchmarks. Select the desired dataset and a directory for the benchmark results and click on the corresponding "Start benchmark" button.
In the results directory several files get generated. Depending on the benchmark type ("TimeSeries", "EventEditor" or "IntervalEditor") they start with the corresponding file name. The number suffix corresponds to the width of the visualized data. So a .1 file corresponds to the visualization of samples 0 and 1 while .2048 files correspond to the visualization of samples 0 to 2048. The number of samples increases in powers of 2.
Two types of benchmarks are executed. In the first one the OpenGL display list is created once and then painted multiple times. The paint times for this benchmark are saved in the "PurePaint" files. This benchmark type has the flaw that the display list creation time is not measured and that smart OpenGL implementations might figure out that the same display list gets painted over and over again and activate extra optimizations that can have an influence on the result. In the second benchmark type the OpenGL display list is created, painted and then deleted. The display list creation time is measured and saved in the "displayList" files, the paint times are saved in the "Paint" files. The benchmarks are repeated several times depending on the BENCHREPETITIONS parameter in the cmake configuration. For each repetition a timing value is written into the files. E.g. with the default BENCHREPETITIONS parameter of 1000 each file should contain 1000 timed benchmark measurements. The timings are measured in nano seconds.