PC Marketplace Website
Michael Salamon, Daniel Dong, Daniel Hernandez, Jahed Prince
This is a project to understand the concepts of Software Engineering.
We all had to be team players and communicate for a working PC
Marketplace Website. Most communication took place in meetings and
in GitHub Issues. Since the meetings lead the direction for the website,
we were following an Agile. Our entire website was built using one
programming language: Javascript. To begin exploring the website,
go to Javascript Website -> Login and Signup -> index.html
Here is our first phase report:
Phase 1 Report - final.pdf
Here is our phase two report:
Phase II Report (4.22.2021) .pdf
Instead of storing all data in text files we used **IndexedDB**.
It persistently stores data inside a user's browser. It is compatible with all major
browsers like Firefox, Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge, and Safari.
We created databases for
- AvoidList - keep track of all emails suspended by the Store Manager.
- Components - All computer parts for the MarketPlace
- Forum - Keeps track of the Title, Post-type, and author of all posts
- Purchases - Keeps track of the amount paid, address, tracking, and status of each successful purchase
- ShoppingCart - All products that are in a Users Cart.
- Systems - All complete computers for the Marketplace.
- UserAccounts - Keeps track of all registered emails along with associated usernames, password, and user-type
Website Organization
All the relevant sections for our website is broken up into different folders:
- accountinfo - User Details
- Admin - Look at suspended users and registered users.
- Balance - Update the balance by putting a valid CC#.
- Cart Page - All products added to Cart from Marketplace.
- Delivery Subsystem - Deliverers can place bids and Store Clerks can choose a bid.
- Forum Page - Create a post, tag a user for a complaint, and comment on other posts.
- Images - Product Images.
- Login and Signup - Start of the Website. Alternate between tabs for login and signup.
- Logo_Variants - Based on the section website, different color logo.
- Marketplace - Look at computer parts and full computers. Can add to cart.
- Simple Pages - Community Guidelines, Rewards Program, and Suspended page.
- Welcome - Home Page text changes based on user permission.
Super Users
All information is in Javascript Website -> constants.js