MichaelWehar / Crossword-Layout-Generator

Crossword Layout Generator - Open Source
MIT License
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crossword-layout crosswords generator html javascript nodejs npm-package open-source webapp word-search

Crossword Layout Generator - Open Source


A crossword consists of clues, answers, and a layout:

This crossword layout generator takes in a list of answers and outputs a crossword layout. Our program does not generate the answers or the clues.

Input and Output Format

An input is a list of answers in a JSON format. The clues can optionally be included with the input.

Here is an example input:

[{"clue":"that which is established as a rule or model by authority, custom, or general consent","answer":"standard"},{"clue":"a machine that computes","answer":"computer"},{"clue":"the collective designation of items for a particular purpose","answer":"equipment"},{"clue":"an opening or entrance to an inclosed place","answer":"port"},{"clue":"a point where two things can connect and interact","answer":"interface"}]

The output is a crossword layout. That is, we associate a position, startx, starty, and orientation with each answer.

Here is an example output:

[{"clue":"the collective designation of items for a particular purpose","answer":"equipment","startx":1,"starty":4,"position":1,"orientation":"across"},{"clue":"an opening or entrance to an inclosed place","answer":"port","startx":5,"starty":4,"position":2,"orientation":"down"},{"clue":"that which is established as a rule or model by authority, custom, or general consent","answer":"standard","startx":8,"starty":1,"position":3,"orientation":"down"},{"clue":"a machine that computes","answer":"computer","startx":3,"starty":2,"position":4,"orientation":"across"},{"clue":"a point where two things can connect and interact","answer":"interface","startx":1,"starty":1,"position":5,"orientation":"down"}]

One can visualize the output as follows:

Example Output

Getting Started

Step 1: Add the following line to the head of your html document:

<script src="https://github.com/MichaelWehar/Crossword-Layout-Generator/raw/master/layout_generator.js"></script>

Step 2: In the body of your html document, you can add the following JavaScript:

var layout = generateLayout(input_json);
var rows = layout.rows;
var cols = layout.cols;
var table = layout.table; // table as two-dimensional array
var output_html = layout.table_string; // table as plain text (with HTML line breaks)
var output_json = layout.result; // words along with orientation, position, startx, and starty

Update: Our crossword layout generator is now available as a package for Node.js applications. For more information, see the Node.js version of our README here: https://github.com/MichaelWehar/Crossword-Layout-Generator/blob/npm/README.md

Also, see our package's npm listing here: https://www.npmjs.com/package/crossword-layout-generator

Demo Website

The demo website's source code can be found in index.html.

The demo website shows:

Demo: http://michaelwehar.com/crosswords

Short Article: https://makeprojects.com/project/crossword-layout-generator---open-source

Information for Advanced Users



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