MichalJankowskii / Moq.EntityFrameworkCore

Library that provides methods that will help you with mocking EntityFrameworkCore.
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This library helps you mocking EntityFramework contexts. Now you will be able to test methods that are using DbSet<TEntity> or DbQuery<TEntity> from DbContext in an effective way.

Installation - NuGet Packages

Install-Package Moq.EntityFrameworkCore


For example we can assume that we have the following production code:

public class UsersContext : DbContext
    public virtual DbSet<User> Users { get; set; }

To mock Users and Roles you only need to implement the following 3 steps:

1. Create DbContext mock:

var userContextMock = new Mock<UsersContext>();

2. Generate your entities:

IList<User> users = ...;

3. Setup DbSet or DbQuery property:

userContextMock.Setup(x => x.Users).ReturnsDbSet(users);


userContextMock.SetupGet(x => x.Users).ReturnsDbSet(users);


userContextMock.SetupSequence(x => x.Set<User>())
  .ReturnsDbSet(new List<User>())

And this is all. You can use your DbContext in your tests.

The second option is mocking DbSet that is part of the interface:

public interface IBlogContext
   DbSet<Post> Posts { get; }

And then use:

var posts = new List<Post>();
var contextMock = new Mock<IBlogContext>();
contextMock.Setup(p => p.Posts).ReturnsDbSet(posts);

You will find examples of this library in the repository.