Michalcieslik1 / Reed-Log

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Reed Log - Michał Cieślik's Senior Thesis at Bard College

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Throughout all levels of proficiency, using a loose scientific analysis is very common in the process of reed-making. While that method does prove effective over time, it does not stop players from over-focusing on untested assumptions that can completely derail the reed making process. With this project I want to create a way to analyze reed data more rigorously. As a data analysis tool, the app provides a way to analyze objective reed specifications in conjunction with subjective experiences with the reed, allowing one to find correlation between the two. The purpose of this project is twofold: to create a data analysis tool for the player to find correlations between datapoints, and use the tool to collect data and find how certain objective measurements affect the experience with the reed. For my own analysis of the data collected, I will focus on finding best configurations of staple, measurement, and tie length, and find reed specifications that maximize reed success between players and with players overall.

Link to Submit Data

Submission Form

How to Participate

To participate in the study, complete the following steps:

  1. Fill out the following form to join the mailing list, and to be part of the study here.

  2. Download the app through the AppStore at the link below:

    Download button

  3. Read the User Guide in the section below.

  4. Submit the data periodically using the form listed above.



Reed Log - User Guide.pdf

Contact Information

Email: mc1099@bard.edu

Phone Number: (786) - 656 2109



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