MichellePapadakis / MY472_PSF

Public repository for MY472 PSF on Stop and Search in London
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Descriptive Analysis of Stops and Searches in London

Repository Overview

Data Folder

The data folder is a key component of this repository, housing the Statistical GIS Boundary Files for London, which are sourced from the London Datastore. It also contains the scrapped data from UK census and UK Police Data API and the .Rmd has the relative paths to run under this files in case is desired not to use the scrapping code.

Analysis in R Markdown

The .Rmd file is designed to:

Repository Structure

For seamless operation, it is essential to maintain the current folder structure. This approach ensures that the relative paths used in the R Markdown file function correctly.

Note: Keeping the folder structure intact is crucial for the effectiveness of the relative paths in the analysis.