MickaelOnTheWave / InvoiceManager

A simple Invoice Database with a GUI client to handle it
GNU General Public License v3.0
1 stars 0 forks source link
invoice-generator qt5


A simple Invoice Database with a GUI client and a Command line Interface program to handle it.

New Invoice

CLI help


The idea of this manager is to generate / use the data of the invoices and store them in an SQLite Database. The visual representation is generated as an HTML page. For that it uses two concepts :

You can use the GUI application to manage the invoices or use the Command line interface for some commands. For the command line interface, there is a --help command that shows you the available commands and some usage instructions.

How to build it

The project is built with Cmake. You can either use CMakeLists.txt directly in your IDE (tested only with QT Creator) or build using the command line. Here are details instructions on how to build it from command line on Linux :


InvoiceManager is built around Qt Framework, and as such should run on all platforms that are supported by Qt : Windows, Mac and Linux. Please note however that as of today, it has been tested only on Linux.

This program with all its components are released according to the terms of the GNU GPLv3 license. The details about this license are provided in the LICENSE file.

Creating templates

A template is an HTML file with placeholder fields that will be replaced by the invoice data. Here are the fields that are available :

Their names are self explanatory. There are, however, some fields that have a special behaviour :