MickaelRigault / skysurvey

Simulate transients within the sky
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Simulate transients within the sky

skysurvey relies on sncosmo for bandpass and lightcurve generations. (https://sncosmo.readthedocs.io/en/stable/)

See documentation on read the docs


pip install skysurvey


git clone https://github.com/MickaelRigault/skysurvey.git
cd skysurvey
pip install .

Quick Start

You need to create a Target and a Survey to then simulate how your survey would observe your targets ; aka a DataSet.

Here is a quick example:

Step 1: targets (truth)

import skysurvey
snia = skysurvey.SNeIa()
data = snia.draw(size=50_000, tstart=56_000, tstop=56_100, inplace=True) # see options
data.head(5) # also snia.data

Step 2: Survey (pointing and observing conditions)

import numpy as np
from skysurvey.tools import utils

size = 10_000

# footprint
from shapely import geometry
sq_footprint = geometry.box(-1, -1, +1, +1)

# Observing data
ra, dec = utils.random_radec(size=size, ra_range=[200,250], dec_range=[-20,10])

data = {}
data["ra"] = ra
data["dec"] = dec
data["gain"] = 1
data["zp"] = 30
data["skynoise"] = np.random.normal(size=size, loc=150, scale=20)
data["mjd"] = np.random.uniform(56_000-10, 56_100 + 10, size=size)
data["band"] = np.random.choice(["desg","desr","desi"], size=size)

# Build the survey
survey = skysurvey.Survey.from_pointings(data, footprint=sq_footprint)

Step 3: Dataset

And now let's build the dataset. The simulated lightcurves are in dset.data, the input survey is stored in dset.survey, the input targets is stored in dset.targets

from skysurvey import dataset
dset = dataset.DataSet.from_targets_and_survey(snia, survey)