MicroFocus / ADM-FT-ToolsLauncher

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UFT One CI Utilities

UFT One CI Utilities contains tools that you can use to run automation tests by launching functional testing applications such as UFT One (formerly Unified Functional Testing) and LoadRunner, and so on.

The following tools are available:


The FTToolsLauncher is a command-line tool that launches the functional testing application and runs tests.

This tool lets you run one or more of the following test types:

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Command Line References

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FTToolsLauncher.exe -paramfile <a file in key=value format>

Parameter File References

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The FTToolsLauncher command-line tool requires a parameter file that describes parameters in key=value format, one parameter per line. A good example is the Java Properties file.

Special characters need to be escaped to enable the tool to properly load the paramters file. For example, if there is a parameter Test1=C:\\tests\\GUITest1, the path delimeters need to be escaped with \.

The follwoing types of parameters are supported:

Basic Parameters

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Name Type Value Remarks
runType string FileSystem or Alm [Mandatory] The test asset location type.

FileSystem for UFT GUI/API and LoadRunner tests stored in the file system.
Alm for UFT GUI/API tests stored on a Application Lifecycle Management (ALM) server.
resultsFilename string file name or file path [Mandatory] The file name or file path in which to save the test results summary. If the file name is a relative path, the path is relative to the current workspace.
resultFormatLanguage string Default
Introduced in v1.0.22.4723 (v1.0-beta-rev6).

(Optional) The language used to format numbers, dates, and times in the test results summary file. For example, the number 12.34 is generated as is in English (language tag en-US) while it is 12,34 in German (language tag de-DE). The default language is English.

If the value is System, the application will automatically detect the language used in the system and use that language for localization.

The value can also be one of the valid case-insensitive language tag names such as en-US, de-DE and so on. For a list of predefined language tag names on Windows systems, see the Language tag column in the list of language/region names supported by Windows. The names follow the standard defined by BCP 47. In addition, starting with Windows 10, name can be any valid BCP-47 language tag.
resultTestNameOnly boolean true or false Introduced in v1.0.23.2025 (v1.0-beta-rev7).

(Optional) Indicates whether the test results summary file should include only test names for UFT One tests, rather than full paths. The LoadRunner tests are not affected. Default = false.

By default the test results summary file includes the full path of the UFT One test. For example: <testcase name="C:\tests\GUITest1".
When this parameter is set to true, the results show the test name only: <testcase name="GUITest1".
resultUnifiedTestClassname boolean true or false Introduced in v1.0.33.4627 (v1.0-beta-rev13).

(Optional) Indicates whether the testcase elements in the test results summary file should contain a unified classname attribute. Default = false.
This parameter is relevant only for UFT One tests stored in the file system (runType=FileSystem). It does not affect LoadRunner tests or tests stored in ALM.

For example, if the test path is:
If this parameter is set to true, the classname will be:
<testcase ... classname="file:///C:/UFTTests/Level1/Level2/Level3" (that is the closest parent folder's absolute path)
This result is consistent, whether you use an MTB / MTBX file or a folder path (with one or more tests stored at folder and/or subfolders level).

If this parameter is set to false, the classname can be:
"All-Tests.Test group" if the properties file provides the full path to the test folder.
"All-Tests.<path to the mtb or mtbx file>" if the properties file provides a mtb / mtbx file path.
"All-Tests.C:\UFTTests\Level1" if the properties file provides a partial path (to the subfolder Level1).
unstableAsFailure boolean true or false Introduced in v1.0.29.221 (v1.0-beta-rev9).

(Optional) Indicates whether to treat an unstable test as a failure and return a non-zero exit code.
true – The exit code for an unstable test is Unstable.
false – The exit code for an unstable test is Passed.
See more details in the Exit Code section.

ALM Parameters

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The ALM parameters are used to launch tests stored in Application Lifecycle Management (ALM). The ALM parameters listed in the table below take effect only when the runType parameter is set to Alm.

Some additional actions are required before running ALM test sets:

  1. Download and install the ALM Connectivity Tool from http://{alm-server-hostname-or-ip}:{alm-server-port}/qcbin/TDConnectivity_index.html.
  2. Open the link http://{alm-server-hostname-or-ip}:{alm-server-port}/qcbin/start_a.jsp?common=true to install mandatory components.
Name Type Value Remarks
almServerUrl string http(s)://{hostname-or-ip}[:{port}]/qcbin [Mandatory] The URL of the ALM server to connect to and run tests from.

For example,
almUsername string ALM user name [Mandatory] The user name to use for the ALM connection.
almPasswordBasicAuth string base64-encoded string CAUTION: This password is simply encoded in base64 format which can be easily decoded by anyone. Use secure means to transmit the parameter file to prevent sensitive information from being exposed.

(Optional) The ALM connection password, encoded in base64 format.
almDomain string ALM domain name [Mandatory] The domain name in which the ALM projects can be found on the ALM server.
almProject string ALM project name [Mandatory] The project (under the specified domain) to open once connected to the ALM server.
SSOEnabled boolean true or false (Optional) Indicates whether to enable the SSO mode when login to the ALM server. Default = false.
almClientID string ALM SSO client ID [Mandatory if SSOEnabled is true] The client ID used together with almApiKeySecretBasicAuth parameter as the identifier when login in SSO mode.

See the online topic API Key Management for the details to manage API keys.
almApiKeySecretBasicAuth string base64-encoded string CAUTION: This password is simply encoded in base64 format which can be easily decoded by anyone. Use secure means to transmit the parameter file to prevent sensitive information from being exposed.

[Mandatory if SSOEnabled is true] The API key secret used together with almClientID parameter as the identifier when login in SSO mode, encoded in base64 format.

See the online topic API Key Management for the details to manage API keys.
almRunMode string RUN_LOCAL or RUN_REMOTE or RUN_PLANNED_HOST (Optional) Indicated where to run the ALM tests, on the local machine or on remote machines. Default = RUN_LOCAL.

RUN_LOCAL: ALM tests run on the local machine where this tool is running;
RUN_REMOTE: ALM tests run on a the machine specified in the almRunHost parameter;
RUN_PLANNED_HOST runs ALM tests on the machines configured in the ALM test set. Only the Default test sets are supported.
almRunHost string hostname or IP address [Mandatory if almRunMode is RUN_REMOTE] The hostname or IP address of the machine on which to run the ALM tests. Takes effect only if almRunMode is RUN_REMOTE.
almTimeout integer 0 to 2147483647 (Optional) The number of seconds before the ALM test run times out. Default = 2147483647 (around 68 years).
TestSet{i} string The path to an ALM test set or
an ALM folder that contains test sets
[Mandatory] A list of ALM paths that refer to the ALM test set or ALM folder that contains the test sets.

Specify multiple test sets by increasing the {i} which starts from 1. For example, TestSet1=path1, TestSet2=folder2.
FilterTests boolean true or false (Optional) Indicates whether filters need to be applied on the ALM test sets. Default = false.
FilterByName string name to filter (Optional) The test name or part of a test name to use to filter the ALM test sets. Only takes effect when the FilterTests parameter is set to true.
FilterByStatus string {status1},{status2}, ... (Optional) A comma-separated list containing the statuses to use to filter the ALM test sets. Only takes effect when the FilterTests parameter is set to true.

File System Parameters

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The File System parameters are used to launch tests stored in the file system. All the following File System parameters take effect only when the runType parameter is set to FileSystem.

Name Type Value Remarks
Test{i} string path to:
a test folder or
a folder contains test folders or
a LoadRunner test file (.lrs) or
a batch file that describes test folders (.mtb) or
a batch file that describes tests with additional settings (.mtbx)
[Mandatory] A list of file system paths that refer to the test folders that contain the tests.

Specify multiple tests by increasing the {i} which starts from 1. For example, Test1=testpath1, Test2=folder2, Test3=test3.lrs, Test4=tests4.mtb, Test5=tests5.mtbx.

See .mtb File References and .mtbx File References for details.
fsTimeout integer 0 to 9223372036854775807 (Optional) The number of seconds before the test run times out. Default = 9223372036854775807 (around 29,247 years).
fsReportPath string directory path (Optional) The location under which to save all test reports. A dynamic subdirectory will be created for each test under this location when running the tests.

Default = for each test, use its own test report location.
fsReportPath{i} string directory path (Optional) The explicit location in which to save the test report for the test specified in Test{i}. If both the fsReportPath and fsReportPath{i} are specified, the fsReportPath{i} takes precedence over the fsReportPath.

This parameter is ignored if a .mtb or .mtbx batch file is specified in Test{i}.
fsUftRunMode string Normal or Fast (Optional) Specifies the run mode when running UFT One tests. Default = Fast run mode.
cancelRunOnFailure boolean true or false (Optional) Specifies whether to cancel the run when a UFT One test fails, so that the subsequent tests will be skipped. Default = false.
leaveUftOpenIfVisible boolean true or false (Optional) Specifies whether to use the existing UFT One instance if there is one open and visible before running the test run. Otherwise, before each test, any open instance of UFT One is closed and a new instance is opened. Default = false.

Test Rerun Parameters (File System Only)

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The Test Rerun parameters determine how to rerun the failed tests.

Name Type Value Remarks
onCheckFailedTest boolean true or false (Optional) Indicates whether to rerun tests if any tests failed. If set to true, this tool will rerun tests according to the other Test Rerun parameters. Default = false: don't rerun if any tests failed.
testType string Rerun the entire set of tests or
Rerun specific tests in the build or
Rerun only failed tests
(Optional) Specifies how to rerun tests. Default: No tests will be rerun if any tests failed.

If the value is Rerun the entire set of tests and any tests failed, all of the tests will be run again x times where x is the value of the Reruns1 parameter specified. In this case, only Reruns1 parameter takes effect and all the other Reruns{i} parameters are ignored.

If the value is Rerun specific tests in the build and any tests failed, the specific tests will be run x times where x is the value of the Reruns1 parameter specified. The rerun tests are specified by the FailedTest{i} parameter where i starts from 1. In this case, only Reruns1 parameter takes effect and all the other Reruns{i} parameters are ignored.

If the value is Rerun only failed tests and any tests failed, only the failed test(s) will be rerun. The rerun times is decided by the value of the Reruns{i} accordingly. In this case, the Reruns{i} defines the rerun times for each test, respectively. For example, Reruns1=2, Reruns2=1 means rerun Test1 twice if Test1 failed and rerun Test2 once if Test2 failed.
Reruns{i} integer number of rerun times (Optional) A list of numbers specifying how many times to rerun test(s). See the remarks of the testType parameter for more details.

NOTE: Currently, if the rerun times is larger than one (1), rerun will not check the test results until all reruns finish. For example, if Reruns1=2 and Test1 failed, the test will always rerun twice even though the first rerun passed.
FailedTest{i} string same as Test{i} parameter (Optional) A list of paths specifying the test folders that contain the tests to be run when any Test{i} tests fail. See the remarks of the testType parameter for more details.
CleanupTest{i} string same as Test{i} parameter (Optional) A list of paths specifying the test folders that contain the tests that perform the cleanup actions before rerunning the tests.

The basic logic is that if any Test{i} tests failed, all the CleanupTest{i} tests will be executed (no relationships with Test{i}), followed by the rerun tests.

LoadRunner Parameters (File System Only)

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The following parameters are used for LoadRunner tests.

Name Type Value Remarks
displayController integer 0 or 1 (Optional) (FOR LOADRUNNER TESTS ONLY) Indicates whether the controller is displayed when running LoadRunner tests. Set 1 to show the controller. Default = 0: Do not show the controller.
controllerPollingInterval integer 0 to 2147483647 (Optional) (FOR LOADRUNNER TESTS ONLY) Indicates the controller polling interval, in seconds. Default = 30 seconds.
PerScenarioTimeOut integer 0 to 9223372036854775807 (Optional) (FOR LOADRUNNER TESTS ONLY) Indicates the timeout for each scenario, in minutes. Default = 9223372036854775807 (around 17,548,272,520,652 years)
analysisTemplate string file path (Optional) (FOR LOADRUNNER TESTS ONLY) The file path to the analysis template file used by the LRAnalysisLauncher tool when running the LoadRunner tests.
ignoreErrorStrings string multi-lines string (Optional) (FOR LOADRUNNER TESTS ONLY) One or more error texts to ignore when running LoadRunner tests. One error string per line.
SummaryDataLog string 0|1;0|1;0|1;{num} (Optional) (FOR LOADRUNNER TESTS ONLY) Specifies the configuration of summary data log.

Format: Four components separated by semicolons (;). The first three components are all 0 or 1 which enables (1) or disables (0) logVusersStates, logErrorCount, logTransactionStatistics respectively. The fourth component is a positive number represents the polling interval, in seconds.

For example, the value 1;0;0;30 enables logVusersStates, disables logErrorCount and logTransactionStatistics, and sets polling interval to 30 seconds.
ScriptRTS{i} string script name (Optional) (FOR LOADRUNNER TESTS ONLY) Defines a list of scripts for which the runtime settings (attributes) are set. The placeholder {i} is used to define multiple scripts, starting from 1, for example, ScriptRTS1=sc1, ScriptRTS2=demo.
AdditionalAttribute{i} string {script-name};{attr-name};{attr-value};{attr-description} (Optional) (FOR LOADRUNNER TESTS ONLY) Defines a list of runtime settings (attributes) for scripts set by ScriptRTS{i} parameters.

The value consists of four components separated by semicolons (;). The first one spedifies the script for which the attributes are used; the next three components are: attribute name, attribute value, and attribute description.

For example, the value sc1;a1;valx;this is a demo attribute represents an attribute to be set for the script sc1 with attribute name a1, value valx, and description this is a demo attribute.

Digital Lab Parameters

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The following parameters are used for connecting to Digital Lab (formerly UFT Mobile / Mobile Center) when running tests.

Name Type Value Remarks
MobileHostAddress string http(s)://{hostname-or-ip}[:{port}] [Mandatory] The host address URL of the UFT Mobile server.
MobileUserName string user name [Mandatory if MobileClientId is missing] The user name used to connect to the UFT Mobile server.
MobilePasswordBasicAuth string base64-encoded string CAUTION: This password is simply encoded in base64 format which can be easily decoded by anyone. Use secure means to transmit the parameter file to prevent sensitive information from being exposed.

(Optional) The password encoded in base64 format which is used to connect to the UFT Mobile server.
MobileClientId string client ID [Mandatory if MobileUserName is missing] The client ID used to connect to the UFT Mobile server.
MobileSecretKeyBasicAuth string base64-encoded string [Mandatory if MobileClientId is provided] CAUTION: This key is simply encoded in base64 format which can be easily decoded by anyone. Use secure means to transmit the parameter file to prevent sensitive information from being exposed.

The secret key encoded in base64 format which is used to connect to the UFT Mobile server.
MobileTenantId string MC tenant ID [Mandatory] The tenant ID used to connect to the UFT Mobile server with multi-tenant mode enabled. If the multi-tenant mode is disabled on the UFT Mobile server, specify 999999999 instead.
MobileUseSSL integer 0 or 1 (Optional) Indicates whether to use SSL (https protocol) when connecting to the UFT Mobile server.

Specify 0 to use http protocol or 1 to use https. Default = 0 (http).
MobileUseProxy integer 0 or 1 (Optional) Indicates whether to use a proxy when connecting to the UFT Mobile server.

Specify 0 to use direct connection (no-proxy mode) or 1 to use proxy. Default = 0 (no-proxy mode).
MobileProxyType integer 0 or 1 (Optional) Indicates the type of proxy to use when connecting to the UFT Mobile server, if the MobileUseProxy is set to 1.

Specify 0 to use an http proxy or 1 to use the system proxy. Default = 0 (http proxy).

For the system proxy type, proxy settings are detected by reading the system proxy settings; for the http proxy type, the proxy settings are explicitly specified by the MobileProxySetting_xxx parameters.
MobileProxySetting_Address string [http(s)://]{hostname-or-ip}[:{port}] [Mandatory if MobileUseProxy is set to 1 and MobileProxyType is set to 0] The address of the proxy.

Takes effect only when the MobileUseProxy parameter is set to 1 (use proxy) and MobileProxyType parameter is set to 0 (http proxy).
MobileProxySetting_Authentication integer 0 or 1 (Optional) Indicates whether the proxy requires authentication.

Specify 1 to enable proxy authentication. Default = 0 (no proxy authentication).

Relevant only when the MobileUseProxy parameter is set to 1 (use proxy) and MobileProxyType parameter is set to 0 (http proxy).
MobileProxySetting_UserName string proxy user name [Mandatory if MobileUseProxy is set to 1 and MobileProxyType is set to 0 and MobileProxySetting_Authentication is set to 1] The user name to use when connecting to the proxy server.

Takes effect only when the MobileUseProxy parameter is set to 1 (use proxy) and MobileProxyType parameter is set to 0 (http proxy) and MobileProxySetting_Authentication parameter is set to 1.
MobileProxySetting_PasswordBasicAuth string base64-encoded string CAUTION: This password is simply encoded in base64 format which can be easily decoded by anyone. Use secure means to transmit the parameter file to prevent sensitive information from being exposed.

(Optional) The password encoded in base64 format which is used to connect to the proxy server.
mobileinfo string data in JSON format (Optional) The device and application to launch before running the mobile test.

This parameter is similar to the mobile configurations set via the Record and Run Settings dialog box in UFT One.
Use this parameter if you want your run to override the settings set up in UFT One, or if you don't want to set those.

To compose this JSON string, we recommend setting up the mobile configuration in UFT One's Record and Run Settings dialog box and then getting the data from the registry at HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Mercury Interactive\QuickTest Professional\MicTest\AddIn Manager\Mobile\Startup Settings\JOB_SETTINGS, value name _default. A typical JSON string could start from text {"RnRType":-1,...
cloudbrowserinfo string "url={URL}; os={OS}; browser={Name}; version={Version}; region={Location}" (Optional) The browser and web application to use for the web test.

This parameter is similar to the web configurations set via the Record and Run Settings dialog box in UFT One.
Use this parameter if you want your run to override the settings set up in UFT One, or if you don't want to set those.

Specify the operating system and geographical location in which you want the browser to run, as well as the browser type and version. Optionally, specify the URL of the web application to load when the browser opens.
To see which values are available for these keys, open the Digital Lab > Browser Lab page.

Example: cloudbrowserinfo="url=www.opentext.com;os=Windows Server 2022;browser=Firefox;version=latest;region=Europe (Frankfurt)"

ParallelRunner Parameters (File System Only)

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Notes: In order to run tests in parallel, ensure you have reviewed the online user guide: Before starting parallel testing.

The following parameters are used for tests run by the ParallelRunner.

Name Type Value Remarks
parallelRunnerMode boolean true or false (Optional) Indicates whether to run the tests in parallel mode with parallel runner tool. Default = false.

Once enabled (true), this tool launches the ParallelRunner for each test set by the Test{i} parameter with multiple environments (set by the ParallelTest{i}Env{j} parameter). For example, given Test1=pathA, Test2=pathB, this tool first launches the ParallelRunner to run Test1 and when Test1 is finished, this tool launches the ParallelRunner again to run Test2. Currently, this tool does NOT support running multiple tests in parallel.
ParallelTest{i}Env{j} string {key1}:{value1},{key2}:{value2}, ... (Optional) The variables passed to the ParallelRunner in order to run tests in parallel mode.

A ParallelRunner variable consists of a key and the corresponding value, separated by colon (:). Separate multiple variables by commas (,).

The placeholder {i} is used to identify the test to set variables which starts from 1, corresponding to the Test{i} parameter. The placeholder {j} is used to define more than one variable, also starts from 1.

For example, the parameter ParallelTest3Env1=browser:CHROME defines a variable browser:CHROME (key=browser; value=CHROME) for the test Test3 run by the ParallelRunner.

For all supported ParallelRunner variables, see the ParallelRunner Variables section.

To define the ParallelRunner environment for a test, increase {j}. For example, ParallelTest3Env1=browser:CHROME, ParallelTest3Env2=browser:IE tells this tool to launch the ParallelRunner to run the Test3 with two browser environments in parallel.

Non-public Parameters

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The non-public parameters are dedicated and only used by some OpenText tools. These parameters are generally supported for backward compatibility. Some parameters may be obsolete in future versions.

In most cases, do not use these parameters when you run this tool with your own parameter file.

Name Type Value Remarks
JenkinsEnv string [Used by OpenText Application Automation Tools Jenkins plugin] When running this tool with your own parameter file, set the environment variable before running this tool instead.
almPassword string encoded string [Used by OpenText Application Automation Tools] When running this tool with your own parameter file, use the almPasswordBasicAuth parameter instead.

If both the almPassword and almPasswordBasicAuth parameters are provided, the almPasswordBasicAuth parameter takes precedence over the almPassword parameter.
almApiKeySecret string encoded string [Used by OpenText Application Automation Tools] When running this tool with your own parameter file, use the almApiKeySecretBasicAuth parameter instead.

If both the almApiKeySecret and almApiKeySecretBasicAuth parameters are provided, the almApiKeySecretBasicAuth parameter takes precedence over the almApiKeySecret parameter.
MobilePassword string encoded string [Used by OpenText Application Automation Tools Jenkins plugin] When running this tool with your own parameter file, use the MobilePasswordBasicAuth parameter instead.

If both the MobilePassword and MobilePasswordBasicAuth parameters are provided, the MobilePasswordBasicAuth parameter takes precedence over the MobilePassword parameter.
MobileSecretKey string encoded string [Used by OpenText Application Automation Tools Azure DevOps plugin] When running this tool with your own parameter file, use the MobileSecretKeyBasicAuth parameter instead.

If both the MobileSecretKey and MobileSecretKeyBasicAuth parameters are provided, the MobileSecretKeyBasicAuth parameter takes precedence over the MobileSecretKey parameter.
MobileProxySetting_Password string encoded string [Used by OpenText Application Automation Tools Jenkins plugin] When running this tool with your own parameter file, use the MobileProxySetting_PasswordBasicAuth parameter instead .

If both the MobileProxySetting_Password and MobileProxySetting_PasswordBasicAuth parameters are provided, the MobileProxySetting_PasswordBasicAuth parameter takes precedence over the MobileProxySetting_Password parameter.

.mtb File References

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An .mtb file is an initialization (ini) file which describes the test paths to run. The Test{i} parameter is typically used to specify multiple tests in one batch file.

The initialization file includes one [Files] section under which a unique NumberOfFiles key indicates how many tests are involved, followed by one or more keys File{i} representing the test paths.

For example, given the parameter Test1=tests.mtb with the following content of tests.mtb file, this tool will read the content of the file and parse two test paths:


.mtbx File References

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An .mtbx file is an XML file that describes the tests to run. Since this file is written in XML format, it provides more flexibility to specify the test paths together with additional settings such as test input parameters, data table, and iterations.

This tool supports expanding the string interpolations in the .mtbx file by replacing the well-known interpolated syntax %xxx% (Windows batch) and ${xxx} (Unix shell) with the environment variables. For example, in the following sample, the interpolated string %TEST_FOLDER% will be expanded before reading the XML content with the value of the environment variable TEST_FOLDER if the environment variable is set and the real value could be C:\tests\GUITest1 when the value of the environment variable TEST_FOLDER is C:\tests.

There are two attributes that can specify the report location: reportPath and reportExactPath. The former is used to specify a base report directory in which a dynamic directory will be created for each test. The latter explicitly defines the report directory for that test which means the report assets will be saved to that exact path. If neither is specified, the fsReportPath parameter in the parameter file takes effect.

If the Iterations XML element is specified in the .mtbx file, the iteration mode is required and shall be one of the following values: rngIterations, rngAll and oneIteration. If the mode is set to rngIterations, the start and end attributes might be also specified to define the range. See the sample below for the usage of the test iterations.

    <Test name="test1" path="%TEST_FOLDER%\GUITest1" reportPath="${REPORT_FOLDER}\GUITest1">
        <Parameter name="p1" value="123" type="int"/>
        <Parameter name="p4" value="123.4" type="float"/>
        <Parameter name="A" value="abc" type="string"/>
    <Test name="test2" path="%TEST_FOLDER%\GUITest2" reportExactPath="${REPORT_FOLDER}\my_reports\test2">
        <DataTable path="%TEST_FOLDER%\GUITest2\params.xlsx"/>
        <!-- run iteration 1 to iteration 3 -->
        <Iterations mode="rngIterations" start="1" end="3"/>
    <Test name="test3" path="%TEST_FOLDER%\GUITest3">
        <!-- run all iterations -->
        <Iterations mode="rngAll"/>
    <Test name="test4" path="%TEST_FOLDER%\GUITest4">
        <!-- run only one iteration -->
        <Iterations mode="oneIteration"/>

.mtbx XML Schema

<xs:schema attributeFormDefault="unqualified" elementFormDefault="qualified" xmlns:xs="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema">
  <xs:simpleType name="varType">
    <xs:restriction base="xs:string">
      <xs:enumeration value="Float" />
      <xs:enumeration value="String" />
      <xs:enumeration value="Any" />
      <xs:enumeration value="Boolean" />
      <xs:enumeration value="Bool" />
      <xs:enumeration value="Int" />
      <xs:enumeration value="Integer" />
      <xs:enumeration value="Number" />
      <xs:enumeration value="Password" />
      <xs:enumeration value="DateTime" />
      <xs:enumeration value="Date" />
      <xs:enumeration value="Long" />
      <xs:enumeration value="Double" />
      <xs:enumeration value="Decimal" />
      <xs:enumeration value="float" />
      <xs:enumeration value="string" />
      <xs:enumeration value="any" />
      <xs:enumeration value="boolean" />
      <xs:enumeration value="bool" />
      <xs:enumeration value="int" />
      <xs:enumeration value="integer" />
      <xs:enumeration value="number" />
      <xs:enumeration value="password" />
      <xs:enumeration value="dateTime" />
      <xs:enumeration value="datetime" />
      <xs:enumeration value="date" />
      <xs:enumeration value="long" />
      <xs:enumeration value="double" />
      <xs:enumeration value="decimal" />
  <xs:element name="Mtbx">
        <xs:element name="Test" maxOccurs="unbounded" minOccurs="0">
              <xs:element name="Parameter" maxOccurs="unbounded" minOccurs="0">
                    <xs:extension base="xs:string">
                      <xs:attribute type="xs:string" name="name" use="required"/>
                      <xs:attribute type="xs:string" name="value" use="required"/>
                      <xs:attribute type="varType" name="type" use="optional"/>
              <xs:element name="DataTable" maxOccurs="1" minOccurs="0">
                  <xs:attribute type="xs:string" name="path" use="required"/>
              <xs:element name="Iterations" maxOccurs="1" minOccurs="0">
                  <xs:attribute type="xs:string" name="mode" use="required"/>
                  <xs:attribute type="xs:integer" name="start" use="optional"/>
                  <xs:attribute type="xs:integer" name="end" use="optional"/>
            <xs:attribute type="xs:string" name="name" use="optional"/>
            <xs:attribute type="xs:string" name="path" use="required"/>
            <xs:attribute type="xs:string" name="reportPath" use="optional"/>
            <xs:attribute type="xs:string" name="reportExactPath" use="optional"/>

ParallelRunner Variables

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In order to run tests in parallel mode, the ParallelRunner requires some settings for every test it runs. These settings are specified as one or more ParallelRunner variables by setting the ParallelTest{i}Env{j} parameter. For details of the ParallelTest{i}Env{j} parameter, see the remarks of that parameter.

ParallelRunner Variables For Web Tests

The parallel runner for web tests is supported in UFT One 14.50 and later.

Variable Values Remarks
browser Supported in UFT One 14.50 and later:

Supported in UFT One 14.51 and later:

Supported in UFT One 15.0.1 and later:
One of the browsers to launch when running the web test.

ParallelRunner Variables For Mobile Tests

The parallel runner for mobile tests is suppored in UFT One 14.03 and later.

Variable Values Remarks
deviceId Mobile device ID The device ID in UFT Mobile. For example, TA99217E5A.
manufacturerAndModel {manufacturer} {model} The device manufacturer and model, separated by whitespace, for example, motorola XT1096.
manufacturer {manufacturer} The device manufacturer, example, motorola. If manufacturerAndModel is provided then manufacturer is ignored.
model {model} The device model, for example, XT1096. If manufacturerAndModel is provided then model is ignored.
osType Android, iOS, Windows Phone One of the values represents the device operating system.
osVersion [>|>=|\<|\<=]{version} The device operating system version. Can be a specific version like 10.0 or a range of versions like >=10.0. For example: osVersion:>=10.0.

Samples: FTToolsLauncher Parameters File

Sample 1: Run one GUITest (File System)

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# Basic parameters

# File System parameters

# Rerun parameters
testType=Rerun only failed tests

Sample 2: Run multiple tests (File System)

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# Basic parameters

# File System parameters

# Rerun parameters
testType=Rerun only failed tests

Sample 3: Run test (File System) with multiple environments in parallel

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# Basic parameters

# File System parameters

# Rerun parameters

# Parallel Runner parameters

Sample 4: Run ALM test sets

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# Basic parameters

# ALM parameters

Sample 5: Run mobile test

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# Basic parameters

# File System parameters

# Rerun parameters
testType=Rerun only failed tests

# Mobile Center parameters

Sample 6: Run multiple test with .mtb file (File System)

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# Basic parameters

# File System parameters

# Rerun parameters
testType=Rerun only failed tests
tests1.mtb File

Sample 7: Run multiple test with .mtbx file (File System)

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# Basic parameters

# File System parameters

# Rerun parameters
testType=Rerun only failed tests
tests2.mtbx File
    <Test name="test1" path="C:\tests\GUITest1">
        <Parameter name="p1" value="123" type="int"/>
        <Parameter name="p4" value="123.4" type="float"/>
    <Test name="test2" path="C:\tests\GUITest2">
        <DataTable path="C:\tests\GUITest2\Defaults.xls"/>
        <!-- run only one iteration -->
        <Iterations mode="oneIteration"/>

Exit Code

Starting from v1.0.29.221 (v1.0-beta-rev9), the FTToolsLauncher tool returns one of the following exit codes:

A test is considered unstable if:

By default, the FTToolsLauncher tool returns the exit code Passed (0) when a test is unstable. This behavior can be changed by setting the unstableAsFailure parameter to true to return exit code Unstable (-4) which is an error code to the operating system.


In this release, the FTToolsLauncher tool has the following limitations:

  1. When setting the rerun times to more than one, the specified number of reruns is carried out even if one rerun passes. For example, assume that Test1 is configured to be rerun twice when it failed. The test will always rerun twice, even though the first rerun of Test1 already passed.

  2. When running tests in parallel mode, this tool only supports running one test with multiple environment settings in parallel and does not support running multiple tests in parallel. For example, you can run Test1 with two browsers like IE and Chrome in parallel, however, you cannot run Test1 and Test2 in parallel.


The FTToolsAborter is a command-line tool that terminates any functional testing applications that are currently running tests on the same machine as this aborter tool.

This tool enables terminating the following functional testing applications:

This tool shall be used together with the FTToolsLauncher tool. Make sure these two executable files are put in the same directory and the file name of the FTToolsLauncher tool is FTToolsLauncher.exe.

Command Line References

FTToolsAborter.exe <parameters file in key=value format>

Parameter File References

The FTToolsAborter command-line tool requires a parameter file that describes parameters in key=value format, one parameter per line. A good example is the Java Properties file.

Special characters need to be escaped to enable the tool to properly load the paramters file. For example, if there is a parameter Test1=C:\\tests\\GUITest1, the path delimeters need to be escaped with \.

Name Type Value Remarks
runType string FileSystem or Alm [Mandatory] The type of test run to terminate. Use the same value as you did when launching tests with the FTToolsLauncher tool.
almRunMode string RUN_LOCAL or RUN_REMOTE or RUN_PLANNED_HOST [Mandatory if runType is set to Alm] The machine on which the tests are running. Use the same value as you did when launching tests with FTToolsLauncher tool.

If the mode is RUN_REMOTE or RUN_PLANNED_HOST, this aborter tool will NOT terminate any applications since tests are running remotely.

Samples: FTToolsAborter Parameter File

Sample 1: Abort tests (File System)


Sample 2: Abort ALM tests



The LRAnalysisLauncher is a command-line tool that analyzes the LoadRunner scenario run results (.lrr) and generates the analysis files (.lra) and HTML result file (.html).

This tool shall be used together with the FTToolsLauncher tool and it is commonly triggered by FTToolsLauncher while running LoadRunner tests.

Make sure the LRAnalysisLauncher tool and the FTToolsLauncher tool are put in the same directory and the file name of the LRAnalysisLauncher tool is LRAnalysisLauncher.exe.

In order to run LoadRunner scenario successfully, the LoadRunner bin folder (ie. C:\Program Files (x86)\OpenText\LoadRunner\bin) shall be added to system Path environment variable if it is not properly set automatically.


The ReportConverter command-line tool is used to convert the UFT One test reports to other report formats like JUnit XML.

Important Notes

Command Line References

ReportConverter <options> <input-folder>

To convert the UFT One report XML file to the JUnit XML report:

ReportConverter -j <output-junit-file> <uft-test-report-folder>

As of ReportConverter, you can convert multiple UFT One report XML files to an aggregate JUnit XML report:

ReportConverter -j <output-junit-file> --aggregate <uft-test-report-folder-1> <uft-test-report-folder-2> ...

Run ReportConverter -h for the details of the command usages.


Sample 1: In this example, ReportConverter reads the run_results.xml file in the specified folder GUITest1\Res2\Report and converts the report to the JUnit XML file at out\junit_report.xml.

ReportConverter -j "out\junit_report.xml" "GUITest1\Res2\Report"

Sample 2: In this example, ReportConverter reads the run_results.xml files in the two specified folders and converts those two reports to one JUnit XML file at out\junit_report.xml.

ReportConverter -j "out\junit_report.xml" --aggregate "GUITest1\Res2\Report" "APITest5\Report3"