MicrosoftContentModerator / samples-fbPageModeration

Connect a Facebook Page to Content Moderator
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Connect a Facebook Page to Content Moderator

This sample shows how you can connect a Facebook Page to Content Moderator workflows.


Following is what we will do at a high level:

  1. Create a Content Moderator Team
  2. Create Azure Functions that would listen for http events from Content Moderator and Facebook
  3. Create a Facebook Page and App, and configure

Once the setup is done, all visitor posts on the Facebook Page would be sent to Content Moderator for executing the content workflow. Based on the thresholds specified in your Content Moderator workflow the posts would either be automatically un-hidden or go a through a human-review.

Step by step guide

Create a Content Moderator Team

Create Azure Functions

For this step you will need to login to the Azure Management Portal

Configure the Facebook Page and App:

Create a Facebook App

Create a Facebook Page

Create a non-expiring graph api access token

Well that was the last step!!

Images and Text posted on your facebook page will now be sent to Content Moderator. Images that don't adhere to your policies would be taken down.
