MicrosoftLearning / AZ400-DesigningandImplementingMicrosoftDevOpsSolutions

AZ-400 Course Repository for Labs and Demos.
MIT License
518 stars 963 forks source link

AZ-400: Designing and Implementing Microsoft DevOps Solutions


This repository is for instructors teaching Microsoft courses. If you are in class, please ask your instructor for assistance.

Security Issue - February 2022

Some Azure training labs instruct the student to use a specific user name and password. Bad actors constantly scan virtual machines and try to log in using those credentials. Once they login the machines can be used for crypto-mining or other non-classroom activities.

Remediation: Students should be instructed to use a password of their own choosing. Students should not use any password in the lab instructions.

What are we doing?

How should I use these files relative to the released MOC files?

How do I contribute?

What about changes to the student handbook?


Classroom Materials

It is strongly recommended that MCTs and Partners access these materials and in turn, provide them separately to students. Pointing students directly to GitHub to access Lab steps as part of an ongoing class will require them to access yet another UI as part of the course, contributing to a confusing experience for the student. An explanation to the student regarding why they are receiving separate Lab instructions can highlight the nature of an always-changing cloud-based interface and platform. Microsoft Learning support for accessing files on GitHub and support for navigation of the GitHub site is limited to MCTs teaching this course only.