MidCamp / live-captioning

Live caption with speech-to-text using the Chrome browser and your computer's microphone.
GNU General Public License v3.0
149 stars 27 forks source link

Live Captioning

Getting Started

  1. Visit the Live Captioning site using a Chrome browser desktop (version 25+). Alternatively, you may clone this repo or download as a ZIP to your local computer and open index.html.
  2. Click the button Click to Caption to begin captioning.
  3. Allow use of your microphone when prompted by the browser.
  4. Begin talking. You may need to pause occasionally. Captioning will detect natural breaks and refresh the text on the screen.
  5. All text displayed on the screen is saved. A transcript is available to view after the captioning session.
  6. Click the text on screen to stop captioning.

View Transcript of Captioning Session

  1. Use the drop-down list to select your session. Click the button View selected session transcript.
  2. Upon clicking this button, the transcript from your captioning session displays below.
  3. Select either SRT WebVTT or Text format buttons. SRT and WebVTT formats contain start and end timecodes. Text is only plain text.
  4. Click Continue selected session to resume captioning for this selected session.
  5. Refresh browser to view the button Start new session recording. Click this button to start a new session. The new session name increments by a value of one _(e.g. session_1, session_2, session_3)_.
  6. Note for Incognito Browsing: Session transcripts will be destroyed once you close the browser! Save all transcripts prior to closing your incognito browser window.


How Live Captioning Works

It's quite simple! This is a single HTML file that uses CSS styling and JavaScript to convert speech-to-text using the Chrome browser. All the text you see on the screen is captured and written as a transcript to your browser. You can view the transcript as either plain text, SRT, or WebVTT format (start and end timecodes). Take the transcript and reach an even wider audience once the event is over by providing transcripts for videos and SEO (Search Engine Optimization) value for event sites.

To see this in action, simply go to https://lc.midcamp.org/ Alternatively, you can download this repo and open the HTML on your local computer. You can also host these files on your own site.

Use Live Captioning at Events or Meet-Ups

Live Captioning Room Layout

Example diagram of an event using Live Captioning. Use the letters in the diagram to learn more about the setup.

A. Microphone for Presenter

B. Computer for Live Captioning

C. Monitor for Live Captioning

D. Reserved Section of the Audience

E. Volunteer

F. Computer for Presentation

G. Screen for Presentation

H. Room Audio

Known Issues

The following are known issues:

Additional Information

Chrome supports the Web Speech API, a mechanism for converting speech to text on a web page. It uses Google's servers to perform the conversion. Using the feature sends an audio recording to Google (audio data is not sent directly to the page itself), along with the domain of the website using the API, your default browser language and the language settings of the website. Cookies are not sent along with these requests. More information can be found here:


Pull requests, issues, and good advice are all things that would make a difference to this project. You can contribute by telling us how useful Live Captioning is to you; please let us know on Twitter at @andrewozone and @qymanaonaquest. Any time generously donated to help make this project better is gratefully accepted.

Donations are gratefully accepted on Open Collective as the Live Captioning Initiative.


This tool was developed to caption the Midwest Drupal Camp (MidCamp) in Chicago when a hearing impaired individual asked about accessibility. According to him, this approach worked amazingly well. While it was not perfect, it was a game-changer for him. Before, he would never go to camps. Now, he wants to go to all the camps. We are excited to share and continue to refine.

Our goal is not to replace CART (Communication Access Real-time Translation) or Interpreters. Instead, we are aiming to provide a reliable, no-cost tool to make events more accessible where there would otherwise be nothing. Unfortunately, there isn't always enough budget to meet the needs of all your attendees. This project is an effort to make events more accessible in the face of the financial barrier.

Live Captioning is our first open source project, and your suggestions and feedback are welcome. The project is in a pre-beta phase and is liable to change at any time.


This approach is based on the following CodePen created by Dave Rupert @davatron5000. https://codepen.io/davatron5000/pen/IKAxb

Thanks to Fatima Sarah Khalid @sugaroverflow for suggesting this CodePen and inspiring the first version tested at Midwest Drupal Camp (MidCamp) 2019 in Chicago, Illinois.

Thanks to Burton Kent for your feedback and insight.