MidnightBSD / midnightbsd-app-store

MidnightBSD APP Store API
BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License
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MidnightBSD APP Store API

Provides the app store front end and backend rest API.

The appstore is avaialble online at https://app.midnightbsd.org/


This project currently requires elasticsearch, postgresql and redis. It's written in Java with spring boot. The front end is a mix of thymeleaf templates and angular.js.

This application also makes external calls to Magus, the MidnightBSD package cluster software to determine what apps are avaialble for a given OS version and architecture. This app pulls the latest package build that was marked as "blessed" and uses that to populate all of the apps avaialble currently for a given release.

The web frontend is written in Angular.JS and the backend is Spring Boot 2.



In addition to the website, the graphical package manager (mport-manager), will call the app store to get user ratings for apps via the rest API.


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