Midnighter / structurizr-python

A Python 3 port of Simon Brown's Structurizr diagrams-as-code architecture description tool.
Apache License 2.0
66 stars 16 forks source link
c4-model diagrams-as-code software-architecture structurizr structurizr-api

============================= Structurizr for Python

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.. summary-start

A Python client package for the Structurizr cloud service and on-premises installation.

Archive Mode

Take Note: I realized that I rely more and more on the Structurizr DSL <https://structurizr.com/help/dsl> and less on this Python client. Since this is a hobby project and my time is limited, I decided that I will stop supporting this package for now and put it into archive mode. If you depend on this project, you can always install the last version from PyPI; and if you want to pick up maintenance & development, please contact me by email or on the Structurizr Slack #python <https://structurizr.slack.com/archives/CCH85LD2Q> channel. I will be happy to introduce you to the codebase and assist in any way I can.


The structurizr-python package is in active development and should be considered Alpha software. Reports of problems are appreciated but please do not expect fully working software at this point. If you want to get involved, you are most welcome as this is a spare time project. Please write me an e-mail or on the Structurizr Slack team <https://structurizr.com/help>_ so that we can coordinate.


It's as simple as:

.. code-block:: console

pip install structurizr-python


.. summary-end