Miffyli / asv-cm-reinforce

Optimizing speaker verification and spoofing countermeasure systems together with REINFORCE
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ASV and CM optimization with REINFORCE

Speaker verification and spoofing countermeasure systems are trained independent, but used together. What if we optimize them together for the tandem task?

This repository contains the code for replicating experiments in "An initial investigation on optimizing tandem speaker verification and countermeasure systems using reinforcement learning"

Note: If you experience trouble replicating the experiments, do not hesistate to contact us over Github Issues or via email! Especially the feature extraction side is not the most elegant setup, which will likely give you some headache.

Precomputed scores

See scores for score-files used to compute the results in the paper.


Preprocessing and feature extraction

Before experiments we need the features used, split into two different parts.

Extracting x-vectors

x-vectors for ASV are extracted with Kaldi's pretrained model. See kaldi_xvector_extraction directory and the README within for how to extract x-vectors for bunch of wav files. Note that you need to extract these features for VoxCeleb1 and ASVSpoo19 lists.

See utils/audio_files_to_wav16.py for converting different audio files to 16kHZ .wav files for this extraction.

After extracting x-vectors to Kaldi's format, use utils/kaldi_to_numpy.py to convert the created Kaldi files into Numpy .mat files, one per utterance. Save the features under following structure:

features/xvectors/ASVspoof2019_LA_train/wav/{LA_T_1000137.npy, LA_T_1000406.npy, ...}
features/xvectors/ASVspoof2019_LA_dev/wav/{LA_D_1000265.npy, LA_D_1000752.npy, ...}
features/xvectors/ASVspoof2019_LA_eval/wav/{LA_E_1000147.npy, LA_E_1000273.npy, ...}
features/xvectors/VoxCeleb/wav/{A.J._Buckley/, A.R._Rahman/, ...}

Extracting CQCC features

You only have to extract CQCC features for ASVSpoof19 data.

Follow the instructions in cqcc_extraction directory, then use utils/mats_to_numpy.py to convert the .mat files into .npy files. The key used in .mat files is "CQcc".

Place the resulting CQCC features under features directory like so:

features/cqcc/ASVspoof2019_LA_train/wav/{LA_T_1000137.npy, LA_T_1000406.npy, ...}
features/cqcc/ASVspoof2019_LA_dev/wav/{LA_D_1000265.npy, LA_D_1000752.npy, ...}
features/cqcc/ASVspoof2019_LA_eval/wav/{LA_E_1000147.npy, LA_E_1000273.npy, ...}

Gather filelists

Copy ASVSpoof19 protocol filelists under lists/ directory (e.g. "ASVspoof2019.LA.cm.train.trn", "ASVspoof2019.LA.asv.eval.male.trn.txt").

Use utils/split_voxceleb_train.py to create a filelist for training ASV, name it "VoxCeleb_asv_train_list.txt" and place it under lists/.

Running experiments

After preprocessing command ./scripts/run_all.sh in the root directory to run all experiments.

If scripts run without errors, you should have output directory with different text files, images and videos. Main ones of these are