Miguel-Dorta / rtsp-recorder

A very basic/simple RTSP recorder for Linux
MIT License
10 stars 1 forks source link


A very basic/simple RTSP recorder for Linux


Build & Installation

Standard installation
"I want the commands, mate"
chmod +x build.sh

mkdir -p /opt/bin /opt/etc/rtsp-recorder /var/rec
cp dist/rtsp-recorder /opt/bin
cp configs/rtsp-recorder@.service /etc/systemd/system
nano /opt/etc/rtsp-recorder/alias.conf # And write the config there
systemctl enable rtsp-recorder@alias --now

Config example

#CAMERA_ALIAS=alias     # This is not necessary with the standard config because it's defined in the systemd service
RECORDING_TIME=10       # Duration of the recordings, in minutes
RECORDING_TIMEOUT=60    # Timeout for gratefull stop, in seconds
SAVING_PATH=/var/rec    # Path to save the recordings
RTSP_URL='rtsp://user:pass@'    # RTSP stream URL
VERBOSE=false           # Verbose output